BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: February 9, 2015

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


About CSM Rider Card

February 9th is a day of good fortune, as the Japanese pun suggests "fuku (2) ku (9)" means "happiness," so it seems like something good is going to happen on that day.
Hello, this is YS.

This time, we would like to introduce the "CSM Rider Card" that was ordered at the same time as "COMPLETE SELECTION MODIFICATION DECADRIVER" (= CSM DECADRIVER).

I haven't had much time to introduce it so far, so I'll be introducing it little by little starting this week.
So, without further ado, we are finally going to reveal the packaging, which has never been shown on the product page online!!
It's another bold design, featuring Decade's profile.

In the CSM DECADRIVER, it looks like it's approaching from the front, but here it's a completely different sight, standing quietly from the side!
They are complete opposites, "stillness" and "movement," but when you put the two side by side they create a nice balance.

In addition, we will be revealing the back of the binder, which is not visible on the online product page.

Blade! Hibiki! Kabuto! Den-O! Kiva!
Since they're all wearing DECADRIVER, they're all actually Decade in his Kamen Ride form.

There's so much more I want to show you, but if I show it all at once it will take away the fun, so that's all for this week!
Next time we will be talking about CSM Rider Cards.
looking forward to!

The next update is scheduled for Monday, February 16th.
See you later!

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