BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: May 27, 2020



KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Related Items

We have put together a collection of popular KAMEN RIDER Vulcan products.
Please take this opportunity to check out the items that interest you!

First up is the "HENSHIN BELT DX Ames Shot Riser," which allows you to transform NARIKIRI play as KAMEN RIDER Vulcan.
You can enjoy transforming into KAMEN RIDER Vulcan and NARIKIRI playing.

Press the button on the included Shooting Wolf Progrise Key to start it up! Unfold the key and set it on the Aims Shot Riser!
Pull the trigger to transform into KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Shooting Wolf!
Also, press the button on the Progrise Key and pull the trigger to unleash a special gun move!
Furthermore, when you set it on the buckle, press the button on the Progrise Key and pull the trigger, the Rider Kick will be activated!

■Product name: HENSHIN BELT DX Ames Shot Riser
■Price: 6,050 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

Next up is the "DX Attache Shotgun," which allows you to play with Vulcan's portable weapon.
Pull the trigger to activate the sound! Transform from attache mode to shotgun mode!

Transform from shotgun mode to attache mode and then back to shotgun mode and pull the trigger to activate the charge special move!
In addition, if you attach a Progrise Key (Sold separately separately) to a charged Attache Shotgun and pull the trigger, the charge power-up special move will be activated!

■Product name: DX Attache Shotgun
■Price: 4,180 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details


KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Shooting Wolf Related Items

Click here for details

■Product name: RKF KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Shooting Wolf
■Price: 2,750 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

■Product name: Rider Hero Series 02 KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Shooting Wolf
■Price: 990 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Assault Wolf Related Items

■Product name: DX Assault Wolf Progrise Key
■Price: 2,750 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

■Product name: RKF KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Assault Wolf
■Price: 2,750 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

■Product name: Rider Hero Series 06 KAMEN RIDER Vulcan Assault Wolf
■Price: 990 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

KAMEN RIDER Rampage Vulcan Related Items

■Product name: DX Rampage Gatling Progrise Key
■Price: 3,520 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

■Product name: RKF KAMEN RIDER Rampage Vulcan
■Price: 3,080 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

■Product name: Rider Hero Series 11 KAMEN RIDER Rampage Vulcan
■Price: 990 yen (tax included)
■ Target age: 3 years old and above

Click here for details

On May 31st, "Shooting Special" will be broadcast, looking back on the battles of "KAMEN RIDER Vulcan"!
Please look forward to it!

Information is being posted on the official KAMEN RIDER TOY WEB Twitter account!
Follow us to get the latest information on KAMEN RIDER toys!

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