BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: July 9, 2024

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog



Now accepting preorders! Introducing the Ultimate Holy Sword Nameless Sword Void and CSM Dark KABUTOZECTER ver.1.5!

Hello everyone! I'm in charge of KAMEN RIDER toy development.

Currently accepting reservations
"The Ultimate Holy Sword, Unnamed Sword of Nothingness"
We would like to introduce these two products!

Ultimate Holy Sword Nameless Sword Nothingness
First up is the super large "Ultimate Holy Sword Nameless Sword Nothingness"!

① Coloring
A development sample is currently on display at the NARIKIRI WORLD STORE inside Ikebukuro Sunshine City. This time, the product is based on the Ming Sword of Nothingness, which is already available exclusively in China, and the coloring and programming have been upgraded to give it an appearance and specifications closer to the prop in the movie.
A particular highlight is the orange color of the Nameless Sword of Nothingness.

On the left is the "Ultimate Holy Sword Unnamed Sword Void", and on the right is the "Unnamed Sword Void" which is only available in China.
As you can see, the China-exclusive "Nameless Sword of Nothingness" was the usual orange, while the "Ultimate Holy Sword Nameless Sword of Nothingness" has been repainted in metallic orange.
In addition, in order to reduce the difference in color between the soft material of the blade and the hard parts of the blade, the black parts of the blade are painted to match the color.

② Transformation sound
The length of silence for the transformation sound of "Falchion Eternal Phoenix" was different each time the transformation occurred in the short film and the main feature.
In order to recreate this in a toy, the controls have been changed to the following:
A. Press and hold the back button (keep it pressed) → A series of sounds will play up to the transformation standby sound.
B. Release your finger from the back button. → You will hear a "Draw your sword..." sound. (No sound after that.)
C. Press the trigger. → The transformation sound will be heard.
With the specifications as described above, you can enjoy transformation play by saying "shhh" yourself or shouting "Transform!" before pressing the trigger.

In addition, two different transformation sounds are included for Bahat mode, one based on the theatrical short film and one based on the main story.
1st [Short film] Transformation sound with a long period of silence and Bahat's laughter added
2nd [Main Story] Bahat's transformation sound with the voice "Shhh" added
The sound effects during transformation and some of the special moves have also been upgraded to match those in the movie.

3) Sound effects
In addition to the sounds of transformations and special moves, it also includes the memorable sound effects from the movie.
There are three types of audio included:
In episode 34 of the main story, when Falchion Eternal Phoenix and Saber cross swords, the sound effect of nullifying the power of the holy sword is heard.
■ From "Trio of Deep Sins" Mamiya's "sound effect when erasing someone's memory"
■ From "Trio of Deep Sins" Falchion Amazing Siren "The sound effect when summoning voiceless victims"

The sound effect that nullifies the Holy Sword's powers can be activated in all modes, while the two sound effects of "Trio of Deep Sins" can only be activated when transformed into Falchion Amazing Siren in normal mode.

What did you think?
There are lots of features that we couldn't tell you about on the product pre-order page!

Reservations for "Ultimate Holy Sword Unnamed Sword Void" will be accepted until 11:00 p.m. on Friday, July 12th, so if you haven't made a reservation yet, we would appreciate it if you would consider purchasing it.

Next up is the "CSM Dark KABUTOZECTER ver.1.5"!

① Coloring
The paintwork has been changed from the already released CSM Dark KABUTOZECTER to make it look closer to the prop in the movie.
The metallic black of the body is particularly easy to see, but the paint color has been changed from the original Dark Kabuto KABUTOZECTER.

On the left is the painted prototype of ver.1.5, and on the right is the original product.

*The image is a prototype and some parts are unpainted.

While maintaining the metallic feel, the paint color has been made a deeper black to be closer to the prop in the movie.
In addition, the color of the "1", "2", and "3" parts on the Zecter's eyes and legs has been changed from metallic blue to metallic green to match the color of the prop in the movie.

② Audio
Various sound effects from the original Dark KABUTOZECTER have been updated to conform to the audio in the movie, and sound effects that were not included in the original have been added.
It is possible to play some of the transformation sounds that play just before the transformation, and it also includes the sound effect when Tendo Souji (in disguise) transforms into a native at the end of the final episode.
The special move is from episodes 39 and 40, when Dark Kabuto first appears, where he exchanges Rider Kicks with Kabuto, and the special move is accompanied by a sound effect that sends Kabuto back to his original world.

Furthermore, by pressing and holding the clock-up switch on the right hip, you can switch between the normal clock-up sound and the clock-up sound with added attack sounds.

The CSM Dark KABUTOZECTER ver. 1.5 is a significant upgrade from the original product, so be sure to check it out!

That's all for this blog.
Well then!

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