BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: July 22, 2024

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Bujin Sword & Fantasy is now available as a memorial! Pre-orders start today!

Hello everyone. I am in charge of KAMEN RIDER toy development.
New products from Gietz are here!


Geets' Memorial Raise Buckle series has been extremely well received, so we are now pleased to announce that the Bujin Sword Fantasy will also be made into a memorial.

Initially, the series was only planned to include four titles: last year's Magnum & Boost, Ninja, Zombie, and Beat.
However, those four were so well received that it led to the next monster, Mark IX.
And because those two were so well received it was hard to believe they had already finished airing, which has led us to last month's Mark II, Fever, and now Bujin Sword and Fantasy.

Thank you to everyone who supported me!
We are currently working on development to meet your expectations.

So, this time we will introduce the reservation page and additional information on the review video on BANDAI official YouTube channel, "Banmani!"
If you haven't seen "Banmani!" yet, please check it out from the link below.


1. Transformation Sound
The full-length transformation sound (with additional sound effects from the movie) will also be included.

In "Banmani!" we only introduced the shortened transformation sound played during the fight with Tarbon in episode 43, but of course we will also be including the full version.

(Additional sound effects during the film)
The "BUJIN SWORD" logo is cut diagonally, making a sword-like "Shakin!" sound effect.
These are sound effects that were not included in the DX version.

This allows for more immersive NARIKIRI playing play, just like the traditional Memorial Raise Buckle.

Furthermore, this product does not include the sound effects seen in the movie, meaning that it does not play the transformation sounds and special move sounds that are the same as the DX version.

If you want to listen to the DX audio, please play DX, and if you want to hear the additional sound effects from the movie, please play Memorial.

2. Buckle separation sound
We are including this in our recordings due to the many requests we have received from people who have purchased the DX version.

Now, the design and mold creation for DX was progressing prior to the broadcast of the program.
Later, in the movie, an impressive sound was added when the buckle was separated, making it a very appealing power-up item, but the design had already been completed.
With the DX's structure, it is impossible to make the sound automatically sound when the buckle is released, so I had given up on the idea...
As we were blessed with the opportunity to memorialize this instrument, we added a new switch to the top of the instrument, enabling it to produce a separation sound.
In addition, taking into account the addition of buttons on the bottom for background music, voices, and sound effects, and the need to prevent the sheath and shuriken parts from falling out, almost all of the buckles on the sound side were produced using new molds.

~Parts produced with new molds~

After going through this process, we have now added features such as buckle separation sound and voice, so we hope you will look forward to it.


Since DISIRE DRIVER already had sound in it, the DX version did not include any sound gimmicks.
However, as mentioned at the beginning, the Memorial Buckle series has been well received, and because we wanted to deliver a memorial version of the Fantasy series along with the strongest foam buckles, Mark IX and Bujin Sword, the planning for this product was approved.

Now, here are some additional details about the reservation page.

1. Sound Effects
-Additional sound effects when transforming (Gyago version)
-Additional sound effects when transforming (Nago version)
will be recorded separately.

Here's an example...
In the movie, there were the following differences during the transformation standby sound.
-Gyago: A CG effect of a diamond-shaped shield falls from the air.
-Nago: A CG effect of a rapier falls from the sky.
One of the charms of fantasy is that the same buckle makes different sounds depending on the person it transforms into, so we plan to make it fun to play around with those differences.

The fact that these sound effects come from the buckle is something that only Memorial Fantasy Buckles equipped with sound gimmicks can offer, and is a charm that cannot be experienced with DX buckles.

I hope you enjoy it.

2. Belova's Voice

Although I am not a Fantasy Buckle user or a Nago supporter, I am included.
The reason is that we felt that Beloba, the main villain in episode 43 (Gyago episode) and episode 44 (Nago Fantasy Form episode), was absolutely necessary to having fun with this product.

We hope you enjoy the charming voice of Beloba, who curses, provokes, and mocks Nene and Mitsuyoshi's voices in episodes 43 and 44.

Now, with the recording of Belova's voice,

① Memorial Boost Mark II → Gene
② Memorial Bujin Sword → Kekera
3. Memorial Fantasy → Kuhn, Beloba

In this way, we were able to record a significant amount of the voices of the four supporters in the three products mentioned above.
We hope that all supporter fans will enjoy these three products to the fullest.

That's all for this blog!



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