Last updated: October 21, 2022


The NARIKIRI campaign has begun!

This campaign ended at 23:59 on Monday, October 31, 2022.
Thank you for all your applications!

Halloween is almost here!
From children to adults, we think everyone will enjoy NARIKIRI to be various things, people, and characters.
So, starting today, we are launching the NARIKIRI campaign!
Tell us what you want to NARIKIRI this Halloween!

Follow BANDAI Toys Publicity Department Twitter account and post what you want to NARIKIRI this Halloween with the hashtag "What I Want NARIKIRI for Halloween."
50 people will be chosen at random from those who submit their entries to receive the electronic money gift "Eraberu Pay" 1,000 points (worth 1,000 yen)★

The deadline for applications is Monday, October 31, 2022 at 23:59. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

BANDAI is currently offering a wide range of NARIKIRI TOYS that are perfect for Halloween!

If you want to find information on your favorite "NARIKIRI TOYS," check out our website, "BANDAI TOYS" ♪

Implementation overview

Follow the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department account (@bandai_toys) on Twitter and tweet what you want to NARIKIRI NARIKIRI for Halloween."
50 lucky winners will receive the electronic money gift "Eraberu Pay" 1,000 points (worth 1,000 yen).

Please follow the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department account (@bandai_toys) on Twitter.

Tweet the hashtag "What do you want to NARIKIRI as for Halloween?" along with what you want to NARIKIRI as and why.
*If you are already following the official account of "BANDAI Toy Promotion Department", you can apply only in STEP 2.
*You can submit as many times as you like during the period, but you can only win once.

Your application is complete.
Winners will be notified via direct message on Twitter from the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department account.


Eraberu Pay 1,000 points (worth 1,000 yen)...50 winners

[What is Eraberu Pay?]
・After you have been selected, you will be sent a direct message with instructions on how to use "Eraberu Pay."
・Eraberu Pay is a gift service provided by Gifty Co., Ltd. that allows you to freely choose points and Pay-related products. For more information, click here.
You can freely exchange your points for multiple gifts.
There is no need to download a dedicated app or register as a member to use Eraberu Pay.
・You will receive 1,000 Eraberu Pay points (worth 1,000 yen) which can be exchanged for any product from the lineup.
- Click on the specified link (URL) in the email sent to the winner and go to the dedicated "Eraberu Pay" receiving website.
・This service cannot be used outside of Japan.
・There is a deadline for using points. The deadline for exchanging gift points for products is the end of January 2023. Please exchange your points for the product of your choice by the deadline displayed on the home screen. Please note that the deadline cannot be extended.
・After the expiration date, the remaining points will expire. Points cannot be refunded.
・Points cannot be added to the account.
- Changes or cancellations to products cannot be made after they have been exchanged.
・The lineup and points required for exchange may vary depending on the Eraberu Pay you receive as a gift and may be subject to change. In addition, the point exchange rate within Eraberu Pay varies depending on the product. Please carefully check the number of points required before exchanging for the product.

・This campaign is sponsored by BANDAI Co., Ltd. Amazon does not accept inquiries about this campaign. Please contact us via the inquiry form:

・Amazon, and their logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

Application period

Friday, October 21, 2022 to Monday, October 31, 2022 at 23:59

Winner announcement

Winners will be notified via direct message by Friday, November 4, 2022.
*If you have your direct messages blocked, we will not be able to contact you if you win, so you will not be eligible to apply.
*Please note that if you unfollow the account “@bandai_toys” after this campaign ends, we will not be able to send you a direct message announcing the winner.
*The campaign content and schedule are subject to change.
*For other Precaution, please check the application terms and conditions.

Campaign application terms

Before applying for the "#WhatDoYouWantToBeThisHalloween NARIKIRI Submission Campaign" (When applying for Bandai Co., Ltd.’s (here in after referred to as “our Company”)"), please carefully read the campaign details and Precaution below.
By applying for this campaign, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions and will not raise any objections to these application terms or the running of this campaign.
In addition, if you are a minor, please apply with the consent of your guardian.

■Campaign overview
Campaign name
#What would you like NARIKIRI this Halloween? Posting campaign

Application period
Friday, October 21, 2022 to Monday, October 31, 2022, 23:59

Prizes (50 winners will be chosen by lottery)
Eraberu Pay 1,000 points (worth 1,000 yen)...50 winners

Winner announcement method
Winners will be notified via direct message by Friday, November 4, 2022 and will be provided with a dedicated exchange URL for "Eraberu Pay."

Application conditions
・For those living in Japan
・Those who agree to the terms and conditions and Precaution of this campaign
・Those who have a Twitter account and follow the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department account (@bandai_toys)

■ Precaution
・If your account is set to private or to refuse to receive direct messages, we will not be able to contact you as a winner and will not be eligible to apply.
-Please note that if you unfollow the Twitter account "@bandai_toys" after the end of this campaign, we will not be able to send you a direct message announcing your win.
・Please do not delete the specified hashtag (NARIKIRI) from your entry post for this campaign. If you delete it, you will not be eligible to win.
・Each person can only win once. *You can submit multiple times.
- If multiple people apply using the same account, if you apply using someone else's Twitter account, or if a third party's email address, nickname, Twitter account information, or other personal information is used fraudulently, your winning rights will be void.
- If you take any action that violates the terms of use of the Twitter service provided by Twitter, your winning rights will be invalidated.
- If maintenance or a malfunction occurs in the services provided by Twitter, which prevents you from logging in to Twitter or making posts, you may not be able to apply for this campaign.
-If you are a minor, please obtain the consent of your guardian before applying for this campaign.
- Please note that if there are any false or incorrect data in your registration for this service or this campaign, or if we deem your participation in this campaign to be fraudulent, your registration for this campaign may be invalidated and any prizes may be cancelled.
・The content, schedule, prize specifications, etc. of this campaign are subject to change without notice.
-This campaign is not provided or sponsored by Twitter Inc.

<About Submission Contents>
- If the Company determines that the posted content falls under any of the following items, it will be excluded from the lottery, and if it is discovered after winning, the right to win will be revoked.
-Contains content that infringes or may infringe on the rights of third parties, such as copyrights, trademark rights, privacy rights, portrait rights, reputation, etc.
-Contains false content that is contrary to the facts.
- Matters related to the privacy of others, or information that can identify an individual such as another person's name, email address, address, telephone number, etc.
-Contains advertisements/promotions, sales activities, public office election campaigns, solicitation to a specific ideology or religion, or similar content.
-Contains pornographic novels/photos, solicitations for sexual intercourse, or other obscene content.
-Contains content that induces and promotes extreme violence, cruelty, or crime against children and young people, and obstructs their healthy development.
-If it contains inappropriate expressions such as slander, complaints, discrimination, or hatred towards specific corporations, organizations, regions, or individuals.
-Contains grotesque content.
-Contains content that violates or may violate laws or public order and morals.
-Other content or expressions that our company deems inappropriate when running this campaign.

<About prizes>
・After you have been selected, you will be sent a direct message with instructions on how to use "Eraberu Pay."
・Eraberu Pay is a gift service provided by Gifty Co., Ltd. that allows you to freely choose points and Pay-related products. For more information, click here.
You can freely exchange your points for multiple gifts.
There is no need to download a dedicated app or register as a member to use Eraberu Pay.
・You will receive 1,000 Eraberu Pay points (worth 1,000 yen) which can be exchanged for any product from the lineup.
- Click on the specified link (URL) in the email sent to the winner and go to the dedicated "Eraberu Pay" receiving website.

・This service cannot be used outside of Japan.
・There is a deadline for using points. The deadline for exchanging gift points for products is the end of January 2023. Please exchange your points for the product of your choice by the deadline displayed on the home screen. Please note that the deadline cannot be extended.
・After the expiration date, the remaining points will expire. Points cannot be refunded.
・Points cannot be added to the account.
- Changes or cancellations to products cannot be made after they have been exchanged.
・The lineup and points required for exchange may vary depending on the Eraberu Pay you receive as a gift and may be subject to change. In addition, the point exchange rate within Eraberu Pay varies depending on the product. Please carefully check the number of points required before exchanging for the product.

・The right to win is valid only for the winner, and cannot be transferred, resold, or exchanged for cash to a third party such as a family member or friend. If any trouble occurs between the winner and a third party, or if the winner causes damage to a third party, the winner shall resolve the matter at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our company.

- If maintenance or a malfunction occurs in the services provided by Twitter, or if you are unable to log in to Twitter or post, you may not be able to apply for this campaign.
・We may terminate your application due to unavoidable circumstances, such as a malfunction in the services provided by Twitter or an unforeseen event.
・This campaign is managed by BANDAI Co., Ltd. and is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or operated by Twitter.
・Linked pages include pages outside of this site. When using linked websites, please check the terms of use, privacy policy, etc. of each website.
- Please note that if there are any false or incorrect data in your registration for this service or this campaign, or if we deem your participation in this campaign to be fraudulent, your registration for this campaign may be invalidated and any prizes may be cancelled.
・Please note that additional communication fees will be incurred when applying for campaigns, etc.
・The content, schedule, prize specifications, etc. of this campaign are subject to change without notice.

<About personal information>
・For requests or inquiries regarding disclosure or correction of personal information, please refer to our personal information protection policy and handling regulations.

[Inquiries regarding this campaign]
Click here for the inquiry form

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