Updated: August 8, 2023

Super Sentai Development Blog

Don Brothers

Super Sentai Development Blog vol.198 Introducing the Ninja Sword MEMORIAL EDITION specifications!

Hello everyone!
I'm S, in charge of Super Sentai development, and I'd like to write a blog about Jaws.

Today, we are accepting preorders for "Ninja Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-".
As development has progressed, we would like to introduce some key points below.
This product will be of the same specifications as the "Zangura Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-", which is also available for pre-order.
While the basic specifications such as multi-stage lighting and screw filling are the same,
This time, I would like to focus on the points that are unique to Ninja Sword.

[Murasame, appearance update]
We are not yet in a position to show you the actual product, so we will introduce it based on screenshots of the design drawings.

① Yes. Mother. It's a lot bigger than "Zangura Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-"!
There was a size difference between the DX Ninja Sword and the Zangura Sword,
The difference is even more striking in the MEMORIAL EDITION, which is 140% larger.

"Zangura Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-" is about 70cm long,
This "Ninja Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-" has a total length of approximately 73.5cm, a size difference of approximately 3.5cm.
Just looking at the "3.5cm" number may seem like a small difference, but when combined with the differences in blade height and rotating gear diameter, it will end up being quite a large volume.

Comparing the data may not be entirely clear...
It's best to actually get it in your hands,
Once we are able to show you the actual product, we will introduce it on this blog again.
We would appreciate it if you could wait a moment.

② Mother, just like in the movie, has a very sharp blade.
While the Zangura Sword is a sword with a beautiful, well-balanced cutting edge like a Japanese sword, the Ninja Sword is characterized by a sharp, small tip reminiscent of a shark's tooth.
Since the DX is an item targeted to children 3 and up, we had to make the adjustment to round off the tip, but this -MEMORIAL EDITION- is targeted to children 15 and we've made the tip as sharp as possible.

It's so sharp that it's no exaggeration to say it's exactly the same as in the movie.

[Murasame, a special Murasame NARIKIRI mode.]
The voice specification is "Murasame NARIKIRI Mode" as described on the product page.

The only meaningful explanation given is, "For those who are tired and want to be praised," but what specific words will Mother have to say to us?
This was a mode that was prepared as a special treat (a bonus, in other words) for those who actually picked up a copy of "Ninja Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-", so we have intentionally blurred the wording on the product page.
This time, for everyone who has taken the time to read this blog, we will be releasing some audio of Mother (played by Noto Mamiko) in Murasame NARIKIRI mode.

As Don Brothers fans will have noticed, this is an original line from "Ninja Sword -MEMORIAL EDITION-". The concept is "I wanted to be loved by a mother like this."
In other words, the Murasame NARIKIRI mode is a mode in which you can be soothed by the super sweet words of a mother who shows all her maternal love and pampers you to your heart's content, something you will never see (or hear) in the main story.
If this appeals to you, please consider making a reservation!

As development is still ongoing,
We will update this blog as soon as there is any progress.

That's all for today's blog. See you soon!

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