Updated: September 8, 2024

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Pre-orders will close soon! Additional specifications for Geets Memorial 3 products have been released!

Hello everyone. I am in charge of KAMEN RIDER toy development.
The reservation deadline for three Geets products is next week on the 15th (Sunday)!
So this time we would like to introduce the new product specifications.

◆PREMIUM DX Memorial Boost Mark II Raise Buckle

- Equipped with "Boost Mark II Mode" and "Laser Boost Mode"! -
By dividing it into two modes, we have made it easier to play by making it easier to get the voices and sound effects you want with fewer button presses.

① "Boost Mark II Mode"
・Voice: Hidetoshi and Gene's voices related to Boost Form Mark II are activated (Kagekazu's "Boost Mark II buckle...?" is also in this mode)
・Waiting for transformation: The first 5 "BOOST" sounds will be automatically activated
・When transforming: Additional sound effects are automatically activated when transforming
After transformation: Press and hold the bottom switch to activate Boost Form Mark II's battle sound effect.

② "Laserboost mode"
・Voice: Hidetoshi and Jean's voices related to the Laser Boost Form/after their appearance are activated
Transformation standby: Silent (sound activated by Laser Raiser)
・When transformed: Silence (same as above)
After transformation: Press and hold the bottom switch to activate the laser boost form's combat sound effect.

This product has been in the planning stages since
"It's fun on its own, but even more fun when combined with the Laser Raiser."
The main focus was on.
Therefore, we hope that those who own a Laser Raiser will enjoy the "Laser Boost Mode."
Furthermore, there are no particular problems with the Laser Raise Riser, whether it is DX or Memorial.

We are also currently selecting battle sound effects for the Laser Boost form, which was not included in the Memorial Laser Raise Riser.
We hope you look forward to it.

◆PREMIUM DX Memorial Fever Slot Raise Buckle

- Equipped with a total of 8 modes! -

Point 1: Transformation sounds, sound effects, and special move sounds change depending on the mode!
The table above lists the riders used in the film and the slots they stopped in (Lancer is excluded).
In this way, many riders have used it, stopping on various results (slots) and transforming into a variety of forms.
In DX, each slot was fixed to one voice, but in Memorial, a wide variety of voices can be played by dividing the modes.

●Example: Even the same "NINJA" slot...?
・To recreate the "Punk Jack Ninja Monster Form" from the middle of episode 12
Select "Punk Jack Mode" → Stop with "NINJA"
→ Voice "NINJA" → "HIT NINJA"

・When recreating "Tycoon Fever Ninja Form" from the second half of episode 12
Select "Tycoon Mode" → Stop with "NINJA"

The difference is whether or not "FEVER" is included, as shown below.
-Non-Fever form: "FEVER" does not play
・Fever Form: Plays "FEVER"

"FEVER" was always played on DX, but we plan to recreate subtle differences in the audio to match the sound in the movie.

Point 2: The sound changes even for the same slot!
●Example: Even with the same "???" slot...?

・To recreate "Geets Fever Boost Form" in the second half of episode 11
Select "Geets mode" → Stop with "???"

・To recreate "Geets Armed Drill Magnum" from the second half of episode 12
Select "Geets mode" → Stop with "???"
→ Audio "♪♪♪ (No English system sounds. Melody only)"

In this way, even though the character is the same "???", we plan to recreate the differences in the transformation sounds that were different in the movie, differences that would have been impossible to recreate in DX.

As shown in the table above, the story branches out by transforming while pressing the bottom button.

Point 3: Monster zombie forms (jammy gods) are also included!

The sound of the transformation into Monster Zombie Form (Jama God) that he transforms into at the end of his battle with Laser Boost Form in episode 36 will also be included.
There was a long period of silence and it was a very impressive transformation, but we plan to recreate it exactly as in the movie, with the form changing after transforming into Buffer Fever Zombie Form (Jama God).

- Update on molding color -

The color has been changed from the ochre-like image of the lower DX to a more golden image.
As you can see by comparing the painted dial and the color of the molding on the back in the upper photo, the molding color this time matches the gold paint color direction to create a sense of unity overall.
(In the photo posted in the previous blog, the detection rail part was not clear, but it will be clear in the mass-produced product.)

~The gold-plated edges are also gold!~

The edges of the DX model were silver, but on the Memorial model they are gold, giving the appearance a more unified look.
We hope you will enjoy these subtle differences once your item arrives.


~Remove the top panel to accommodate Boost Mark IX and Bujin Sword!~

The conventional Sound Core ID is thicker than the normal Core ID, so the Boost Mark IX Bujin Sword Buckle interfered and could not be inserted.

However, the top part of this "BGM EDITION" can be removed.

Therefore, although there is a slight interference with the Mark IX, it can be loaded into DISIRE DRIVER!
(Due to this interference, you cannot change the BGM by pressing the button after loading.)

This is what it looks like when you set the buckles on both sides.
At first glance, it doesn't look out of place and you wouldn't be able to tell whether it's a regular core ID or the new sound core ID.
And by removing the top part, the speaker holes are exposed, making the sound louder.
In other words, due to the two points of "natural appearance" and "increased volume", this product really shows its true value when used with the Mark IX Bujin Sword.
We hope that those who own the Mark IX and Bujin Sword Buckle, as well as those who do not have a Tycoon Core ID, will enjoy this product.

Well, I've told you a lot about it, but all three products are definitely worth playing with!
The two memorial buckles are so packed with content that it takes quite a bit of time just to play through them, and it's a lot of fun to transform while listening to background music using the sound core!
If you are unsure about purchasing, we would appreciate it if you would consider making a reservation based on the information above.

That's all for this blog.
See you in the next update.



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