developer blog

Last updated: August 1, 2016

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Factory sample of CSM Faiz Gear

I was on a business trip from Monday, but returned home safely on Saturday.
I'm glad I got to see the fireworks over the Sumida River.
Hello, this is YS.

In last week's blog I said that if I took any good photos during my business trip I would share them with you, but it's not easy to take good photos to post on a blog.
Please take a look at the only photo that can be made public.

This photo shows the belt part of the sample being painted and dried.

The CSM Faiz Gear and FAIZ DRIVER will begin production soon.
For those who placed their first orders, deliveries are scheduled to begin in September, so look forward to it!

We have some news to share regarding CSM Faiz Accel.
We have received many more orders for the CSM Faiz Axel than we expected, so we have closed the first round of orders for delivery in February and started taking second round orders for delivery in March from last week!

We are still waiting for your orders!!!

The next blog update is scheduled for Monday, August 8th.
See you later!
© 石森プロ・東映