developer blog

Updated: November 14, 2016

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


CSM Faiz Accel packaging image revealed

My father came to stay with us from the countryside this weekend.
Hello, this is YS.

This week we will be introducing the CSM Faiz Accel package, which is currently in development.
*The image is only a prototype.

Although it is not shown in the image, it boldly features the "SMART BRAIN" logo, just like the CSM Faiz Gear and FAIZ DRIVER.
It looks just like a SMART BRAIN product.
The package size is much more compact than the CSM Faiz Gear and FAIZ DRIVER.

When I took the box out of the sleeve... the words "START UP" appeared.

When the sleeve is completely removed, the visual changes to evoke high speed movement when Accel Mode is activated.

And when you turn it over... it says "TIME OUT" and has the Faiz Axel.

The package introduced this time is not yet a finished product.
We will now be applying foil and special coatings, so stay tuned!

Be sure to check out the finished product for yourself!

The next blog update is scheduled for Monday, November 21st.
See you later!
© 石森プロ・東映