developer blog

Last updated: May 15, 2017

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


CSM New DEN-O BELT to be delivered soon & belt adjustments

Hello everyone. This is Funasen.
I honestly laughed at the continue pipe in Ex-Aid yesterday.
Mr. T-san, I hope that this will be commercialized by Shodo!

The CSM NEW DEN-O BELT Belt will finally start shipping from May 24th.
This comes just after orders for DEN-O BELT and Keitaros have begun.
If you have already ordered, we hope you will play with it first and use it as a reference when purchasing DEN-O BELT!

Well, for today's CSM blog, I would like to share with you a little tidbit of information about a CSM belt.
For those of you who find that the DX belt does not fit you, we recommend using the "Extended Belt for HENSHIN BELT DX."
The CSM is different in this respect, and is marketed from the start in an "adult size" that is as long as an extension belt. However, some of you may find the CSM size too loose and difficult to wear, or the DX size is a perfect fit.
There is a trick for those people to wear the CSM! This time, we will use a sample of the new DEN-O BELT to explain how it can be worn by people with slimmer body types.

First, remove the attachment part from the nylon belt as shown in the image.
Next, remove one of the holes that secures the nylon in place.

After that, attach the attachment parts to the nylon belt again.
Adjust the attachment position to fit your waist size.
Then connect the attachment and wrap the belt parts so that they overlap.

Finally, wrap the belt together with the belt fastener parts and it's complete!

This will allow you to take up any excess length of the belt.
With the Kabuto series belts, this is not possible because the nylon band is inside the bellows part, but it is possible with DECADRIVER, Diend Belt, Faiz Gear, and NEW DEN-O BELT.
This is a good thing about nylon belts. Give it a try!

Sorry, we don't have anything specific to tell you about the new specifications of each product this week, but next week we will finally release the CSM DEN-O BELT and Keitaros.
Please wait a week until then. For those of you who are itching to wait, there are other great toys on sale besides those from PREMIUM BANDAI.

"HENSHIN BELT DX Bugle Driver II & KAMEN RIDER Chronicle Gashat" and "DX Tokimeki Crisis Gashat"!
This item is currently on sale and is a must-have for all Ex-Aid fans!
I was in charge of developing the Bugle Driver II, and I can confidently recommend it!

KAMEN RIDER Chronos will be appearing next week, so be sure to watch the show with your belt tightly in your hand, or at least wrapped around it!

By the way, here's a little tidbit that isn't detailed in the instruction manual.
When turning the power on, if it is in Bugle Driver II or pad mode, the startup sound will play "Buggle Driver Zwei", but if it is turned on in Gashacon Bugvisor II mode with the grip attached, the startup sound will change to "Gashacon Bugvisor Zwei".
Furthermore, when you load a Tokimeki Crisis Gashat into a weapon and use it to unleash a special move, instead of saying "Critical Finish," you'll sometimes hear a hidden poppy voice say, "Critical...stunned..." or, instead of "Critical hit!", you'll hear a "Critical stun!"

Please try!

These are products that are full of fun, but while watching the program...I was surprised at how the president stores things!
"Wow, this belt can do that!" I know it's a bit strange for a developer to say this, but I was really surprised!
Who would have thought such an exciting feature would exist... It takes about six to seven months from the start of development of a toy to its delivery, but audio editing must be completed about four months before the release date.
Therefore, there are often some differences between the way the toys are used on these shows and their functions that cannot be reproduced...

I'm sure you all know that well. But that's what CSM is for!
I think the best part of the CSM series is incorporating new things once the show has finished and we have an overview of the whole picture.
As the person in charge, I look forward to someone taking on the Bugle Driver II in the distant future!

This is the end of today's blog. The next update will be on Monday, May 22nd.

We will update it again the next day, on Tuesday, May 23rd.
That's because today is the day reservations for "CSM DEN-O BELT & Keitaros" begin! I'm planning to write a pretty in-depth article about it, so I think the update on the 22nd will be a bit light on content... Please understand. Thank you for your understanding.
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