Updated: December 5, 2019

CSM: Topics

A look into the appeal of the CSM, the "HENSHIN BELT for adults"! Voice actor Junji Majima and developer Funasen talk about HENSHIN BELT

"THE HENSHIN," a solo event for HENSHIN BELT toys, will be held on December 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun).
Voice actor Junji Majima will be narrating the video for this event entitled "The Making of the DX ZIKU-DRIVER HENSHIN BELT."
We invited Mashima, who is himself a big fan of KAMEN RIDER and HENSHIN BELT toys such as CSM, to participate in a project to "talk in depth about HENSHIN BELT toys" with Funasen, the developer of the CSM series.
We will be reporting on the event in two parts: the first and second parts.

<Part 1>
What are the key points of the CSM series that Junji Mashima recommends?

◇I have had the CSM series since the first release, "DOUBLE DRIVER"!

Funasen (hereafter, Funa):Thank you for coming today! I've seen your reviews of CSM on your SNS and blogs, and I've always wanted to ask you to do a narration for me.
Mashima:  I'm here for work today, but I'm just a customer who likes HENSHIN BELT (laughs). Thank you for your time today.

--I heard that you own the CSM series, Mr. Mashima. Could you tell us the lineup that you have?

Jiandao  I have the whole CSM series.
the crucian carp! They are expensive items, so I don't think there are many people who have them all. So, the first one you got was...Thank you for bringing all
Mashima  's first product, DOUBLE DRIVER (released in 2013). From the very beginning.It was

-What made you first get your hands on CSM?

Mashima:  I was simply looking at PREMIUM BANDAI and found out that a new series was coming out, and since it was DOUBLE DRIVER, I decided to buy it. It was a natural progression.
CarpWhen we started taking pre-orders for DOUBLE DRIVER in 2012, there were many more customers who were not yet familiar with PREMIUM BANDAI than there are now, so we are truly grateful.
Mashima  CSM series, but including the DX, I have about three "DOUBLE DRIVER" at home (laughs).Of course I have the

-Have you always been interested in HENSHIN BELT toys?

Mashima:  The first HENSHIN BELT I bought was the DX DECADRIVER (released in 2010).
At the time, there were rumors going around on the internet and among friends that "this year's KAMEN RIDER HENSHIN BELT is amazing," and that "it's a toy for kids, but it seems to recognize all the cards. Amazing!" Inspired by that, I bought one to see what it was like, and I got hooked, and I've been buying them ever since.
I probably have all of HENSHIN BELT toys from Decade onwards, including Rider 2.

◇ His favorite rider is Double, and HENSHIN BELT is KABUTOZECTER

-Is there KAMEN RIDER that you have a special attachment to?

the best  one... Honestly, it's really difficult. I started watching Heisei KAMEN RIDER after an acquaintance who was watching Kuuga at the time recommended it to me. That was just before Kuuga ended, so I started watching Agito in real time.Mashima: It's really difficult to choose
Of course, I rewatched Kuuga later, so I've seen the whole series, but I wouldn't say it was the best...
Carp's works has its own appeal.Each of
Mashima  : If I had to pick one, it would be the fact that I voiced Kamen Rider in the movie Ultimatum (released in 2012, "KAMEN RIDER × KAMEN RIDER Wizard & Fourze Movie War Ultimatum"). I voiced the KAMEN RIDER at that time, so the double is my favorite.

-Which of HENSHIN BELT toys is your favorite?

the Mashima  HENSHIN BELT, I'd say the CSM KABUTOZECTER. Of course I like the buckle on the front, but the belt band and side buckle are the biggest differences from the DX series. With the Zecter series, you attach an insect here, right? That's what impressed me the most about it.As for

◇Strike a transformation pose with the DX HENSHIN BELT!

-When it comes to KAMEN RIDER toys, do you mainly like NARIKIRI TOYS?

Mashima  : That's right. I'm the type of person who wants the items that appear in the series. Rather than figures, I buy HENSHIN BELT and costumes. For Drive, I bought the official costume sold at PREMIUM BANDAI.
Funa: At first glance it looks like a normal suit, but the material on the arms is different and it's definitely tailored for Shinnosuke.
Mashima  : That's right, it's made of soft material.

-After you get your hands on NARIKIRI TOYS, how do you use them?

The Mashima  CSM series is expensive, so after playing with it, I usually put it away carefully. However, when my friends who like Riders come to visit, I may bring it out in response to their requests.
I like the transformation poses of the DX series, so I play around with them while deciding on the transformation pose. Before I put on the belt, I practice the transformation pose over and over again. I think about how to insert the items neatly.

CarpHENSHIN BELT, it can be quite difficult to load items onto the belt without looking.Depending on the
Mashima  : We call it "blind scanning" among ourselves (laughs).

-What HENSHIN BELT do you recommend for getting into a transformation pose?

Mashima  : I think the easiest, most straightforward, and most exciting one is the CSM ARCLE (MASKED RIDER KUUGA 's HENSHIN BELT. Pre-orders are currently closed). You can transform just by holding both hands over it. Other HENSHIN BELT require you to wear an item, so it takes quite a bit of practice.
CarpARCLE comes with reinforcing urethane seals to prevent the cover from coming off easily when the strap is worn and played with, and to test this during the development period, I wore the belt around me and ran around the office and jumped around (laughs).
This isn't just limited to ARCLE, but during the development stage we try out various movements so that you can enjoy playing with the transformation pose and kick pose.

◇The appeal of CSM is its voluminous recording sound and profound feel.

--Recent CSM series have also been releasing weapon items.

The Mashima  DX series is made from a child's point of view, so for safety reasons the tip is made from a soft material and the blade is short, but when it comes out as a CSM, it's "the right length." That's a nice feature.

--If you were to recommend the CSM series to someone who hasn't tried it yet, what would you recommend?

Mashima: Yes, the biggest attraction is the amount of audio recorded, and in the case of KABUTOZECTER, the horns are made of die-cast, giving it a heavy feel. I'm always excited to see how high-quality the toys are.
Also, I think it's easier to recommend items that have a lot of gimmicks when playing to beginners, like the Blay Rouser (released in 2019. Pre-orders are now closed). This (gesture of spreading the cards) is something you definitely want to do.
The Funabray Rouser is a size that would be difficult to find in stores, so it is an item that is unique to the CSM series (mail order product).

To be continued in Part 2 (Scheduled for release on Friday, December 6th)

Profile of Junji Mashima

voice actor.
His first leading role was in the 2003 anime "The Phantom Warrior Bastoflemon," and he has since appeared in numerous productions, including "Toradora!", "Assassination Classroom," "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind," and "Super Human High Schoolers Must be Easily Surviving in Another World!"
He is currently active in many fields, including radio and in units.

A HENSHIN BELT toy festival is being held at Bellesalle Akihabara!
The video narrated by Junji Mashima is also a must-see!

Date and time: Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th, 2019, 10:00am - 6:00pm (last entrance 5:30pm)
Location: Bellesalle Akihabara Free admission

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