Updated: June 15, 2020

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Introducing the CSM Equalizer gimmick!

Hello everyone! This is Funasen, the CSM representative.

In today's blog, I would like to introduce the detailed gimmicks of the CSM Equalizer.

① Prop balance and appearance adjustments, size increase

The appearance of the Equalizer has been completely redesigned to match the prop, but it is also slightly larger in size.
Using the CSM whistle as a reference, it was made larger by pursuing the balance of prop design.
This time, each button on the mobile phone will be separate, so if the size remains the same as on the DX model, the buttons will be so small that they will be difficult to press.
The size has been increased to accommodate this need.

By the way, unlike in the movie, the buttons do not light up. (The lighting in the PV was just for effect.)
The reason is that if the buttons were designed to emit light, they would have to be equipped with a circuit board and switch filled with LEDs, and then covered with a clear button part, which would make the device quite thick.
This will not reproduce the prop's proportions.
Therefore, we adopted the same rubber sheet button structure as the Faiz Phone to maintain its thinness.
There were other issues as well, but in the movie the blue button lit up yellow as an effect.
If you were to try to recreate this with a toy, you would have to make a yellow LED shine through a blue clear button, but the colors would just combine to produce a green glow, so it would not be possible to recreate the glow seen in the movie.
In addition, the buttons are made of clear parts, so their appearance when not illuminated is different to how it appears in the movie.
Please understand that this is the current specification after verification of the above points.

② The transformation sounds and effects are exactly like those in the movie!
In the DX version, you press "1" → "9" → "3" to hear "Rising EXA," followed by the "transformation standby sound," and then press the "talk button" to activate the transformation sound. However, in the game, Rising EXA's transformation was via a transformation bank, so the tempo was slightly different from how you play with the toy.

At CSM, we have revised the flow to match the events in the film.
If you press "1" → "9" → "3", the "Living sound" will sound, but the "transformation standby sound" will not sound.
After that, pressing the "talk button" will activate the "Rising EXA transformation sound."
The sound used as the "transformation standby sound" in the DX toys was built into the transformation bank after pressing the "talk button" in the movie, so you can hear it there.

In the movie, the process of attaching the "Riser Whistle" to the Equisizer was shown on the bank.
If this attachment sound were to play automatically as part of the "transformation sound", it would create a discrepancy in timing with the action of attaching the Whistle, so in CSM we have added a new detection to the part where the Whistle is attached, so that the final "transformation complete sound" is played when you attach it.
By the way, if you activate the transformation sound with the Whistle attached from the start, a series of sounds will play up to this completion sound.

Also, if you press and hold the "end call button", a "transformation cancellation sound" will play.
Also, this transformation deactivation sound is different from the "transformation deactivation sound that plays when Ixa Knuckle enters Rising Ixa state," and is the transformation deactivation sound for a normal Ixa.
When Kengo Rising Ixa detransformed in episode 38, the sound it made was the same as the normal Ixa's detransformation sound.
I thought, "There are two different release sounds?!" and had a really hard time deciding which to choose, but since Kengo Ixa is still holding the Ixalizer in the scene where he detransforms, I decided that "the release sound that can be played with the Ixalizer is the same as the release sound for the regular Ixa," and I made it so that either sound could be used to detransform.

By the way, after transforming into Rising Ixa, as I explained in my blog two weeks ago, I would like you to hold down the button on the Ixa Knuckle side to also enter "Rising Ixa state."
The ideal situation would be for the Equalizer to transmit wirelessly and for Knuckle to receive it and enter the Rising Equalizer state, but if we were to make it a wireless "transmit and receive" system like we used with Kivat and Tatsurot, not only would the costs increase, but the number of BGMs that could be played would be limited due to the ports on the board, and there would be many inconveniences, so we omitted it for cost-effectiveness reasons.
This product has wireless specifications similar to Faiz Gear, with the Ixa Knuckle only transmitting and the Ixa Belt and Ixa Riser only receiving.

③ Receive a radio signal and begin the Final Rising Blast activation sequence!

When you pull out the Riser Whistle from the Eixa Riser, insert it into the Eixa Belt and push the knuckle in, a reading sound will be transmitted over radio waves and the Eixa Riser will start to play a "kill standby sound."
When you pull the trigger in this state, the "Final Rising Blast" sound will be activated.
After the gunfire sound, a "playful kick sound" is also played. Since Nago only uses this sound once in the show, this sound is a reproduction of the sound from episode 28.
Or rather, I've only used this technique once. I was surprised when I looked into it again this time. It was a promotion.
By the way, Kengo has also used it once, and I was surprised to see that it is similar in that he also ends up knocking his opponent down with a kick.

④ Also equipped with the fire mode, blizzard mode, laser net mode, and scouter search that were installed in the DX
For those who didn't purchase the DX toys back then, it still includes the same "Fire Mode," "Blizzard Mode," "Laser Net Mode," and "Scouter Search" modes!
This is a technique not used in the movie.
● Press "0" ⇒ "Trigger" in that order to hear "Fire mode", then pull the trigger to hear "Fire attack sound".
● If you press "2" ⇒ "Trigger" in that order, it will say "Blizzard Mode", and if you then pull the trigger, it will say "Blizzard Attack Sound".
● Press "4" ⇒ "Trigger" in that order to hear "Laser net mode", then pull the trigger to hear the "Laser net sound effect".
●Press "5", "6", "7", and "8" in that order to hear the "transformation sound", and pull the trigger to hear the "scouter search". Then pull the trigger again to hear the "search sound".
So the controls are almost the same as the DX version.

However, since these modes were never used in the film, it is unclear what kind of attacks or effects they will involve.
Therefore, the audio from the DX version has been included as is.
The audio heard somewhere in Laser Net mode is also there, but as this was cut off in the DX version, a lingering sound effect has been added at the end.
The search sound is thought to be related to the gimmick where the image on the mobile screen changes to a target mark when the Equalizer is folded 90 degrees.

⑤ You can play any line by entering the number.
Just like the Faiz Phone and Ichijo's cell phone, you can enter the three-digit number and press the talk button to play back Nago's lines.
Most of the sounds overlap with those in Ixa Knuckle, but you can play any sound you like, and the sounds that were echo-processed in the Knuckle have been recorded without echo, so I think you'll enjoy this one as well.
It also includes lines that are not included in Knuckle.

Basically, you press "0", "0", "1" ⇒ "call button".
They range from 001 to 109.
That means there are 109 lines, but there are also
It also includes lines that correspond to the number mnemonics, such as:
Please look forward to finding out the contents once it arrives!

⑥ Voice mode now includes shouts to attack sounds.
Like the Ixa Knuckle, it is equipped with a "voice mode."
In this mode, you can change modes by pressing and holding the "call button," and Nago's shouts will be added to the sounds of gunfire and special moves.
After the "Final Rising Blast", there is a 50/50 chance that he'll say, "Look, this is my fun side!"

That's all for today's blog.
The next update will be on Monday, June 22nd.

Next time we'll talk about the recorded background music!

© 石森プロ・東映