Last updated: March 5, 2018

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Kaixa "Gear" packaging revealed!

Hello everyone. This is Funasen.

Time flies, and we are already into March of 2018.
Time flies, but speaking of March!
Sorry for the wait, it's the month when Kaixa Gear and Kaixa Driver will be shipped!

The product will be shipped at the end of this month. Please wait a little longer.

Now, there is one thing about Kaixa Gear that we haven't revealed yet. That is the packaging for Kaixa "Gear."

In the previous blog, we only revealed the sleeve for the Kaixa Gear Driver and the packaging for the "Driver". However, some people misunderstood it to be the packaging for the "Gear", so today we will reveal the packaging design for the "Gear"!

First, let's review the sleeve.

The design is based on Kaixa's gearbox. This is the same as the image we released previously.

And when you remove the sleeve...
The powerful Kaixa is here! He's posed with his Braygun in front of him!

The design is based on the visual used on the packaging of the DX version of Kaixa Blaygun, with glow-in-the-dark effects added.

And here's the back side!!
He is posed sideways, holding his Blaygun as if ready to unleash a Kaiser Slash!

I may be biased, but I think this pose design is very cool.

Although the size of the package is very cool, we have already mentioned that it is larger than ever before.
Let's compare it with some products that you have around you.

Bang! It's more than four times the size of BUILD DRIVER! It's about the size of a poster.

The thickness is about the same.

I also compared it with other things around me.

Here's a comparison of the length and width with a full bottle! It's the equivalent of 7 bottles vertically and 9 bottles horizontally.
(In the image, the full bottle on the side is sticking out, but it only looks that way due to the front-to-back perspective.)

If you fold up this package, you can display it as an impressive poster. If you have the space in your room, this could be an interesting way to display it.

And finally the instruction manual!

Like Faiz Gear, it is designed based on the user's guide from the movie.
The size is the same as Faiz's.

That's all for today's update.
The next update will be on Monday, March 12th.
See you next time!

© 石森プロ・東映