Last updated: March 19, 2018

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


A sneak peek at Takayadova!?

Hello everyone. This is Funasen.

The first shipment of Kaiser Gear will finally begin this weekend.

This is important, so I'll say it again this week: Kaixa Gear's packaging size is such that it won't fit into a delivery box!
Please make sure you have time on Saturday or Sunday to pick it up in person!


Now, to everyone who purchased the CSM OOO DRIVER Complete Set.

Do you remember that this product comes with something called a "booklet"?


… I think that many people have forgotten about this.

I will be releasing more information about the booklet in future blog posts.

This design was created directly by Ishimori Productions!

I have a strong feeling that the content will be even more spectacular than everyone expected.

We are currently working hard on the design, so please look forward to the progress.


The highlight among them is the "Taka Yadoba" design, which will be appearing in a booklet for the first time!

On the reservation page, only the visual of the subspecies core medal that corresponds to the arm, the "Hermit Crab Core," has been released. This is the subspecies that transforms with the three medals, "Hawk, Hermit Crab, and Grasshopper," the only one whose hero visual has not been revealed, and today we would like to give you a sneak peek at this visual with a mosaic.




Well, it's a very large mosaic block so you can't see it at all, but looking at the silhouette, I can make out some kind of protrusion... Speaking of hermit crabs...

That's all I can reveal on the blog! Now, please wait for the actual booklet to arrive!

We plan to gradually give you a sneak peek at the booklet design like this.



That's all for today's quick update.

The next update will be on Monday, March​ ​26th.

See you next time!

© 石森プロ・東映