Updated: April 30, 2024

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Pre-orders for the "CSM Charis Rouser & Charis Arrow" begin today!

Hello everyone. I am in charge of KAMEN RIDER toy development.

Pre-orders for the "CSM Charis Rouser & Charis Arrow" will begin today, April 30th at 4pm!

After reading this, we will provide a detailed explanation of this product on our blog. We have also posted videos and interviews featuring Ryoji Morimoto, so please check them out as well.

■ Charis Rouser
① Read all Rouse Cards and transform into Rider Undead!
The CSM Charis Rouser can read all Rouse Cards. Of course, you can transform into Charis by scanning the "♡1 Change Mantis", but by reading other Rouse Cards, you can play the transformation sound of each undead corresponding to the card.
Scanning "♡2 Spirits" will result in the transformation being cancelled (transformation into a human undead), but the sound used to cancel the transformation is different from the sound used when other cards are scanned, in order to match the scenes in the movie, and two different sound patterns can be played alternately.
When "♡K Evolution Paradoxa" is scanned, the 13 cards spread out and the "Wild Charis transformation sound" is played, which includes the sound effect of becoming one with Charis. Like other CSMs, this product also has a BGM reservation function (a function that allows you to set your own BGM and have it play automatically when you transform), so you can recreate the memorable scene from episode 37 where "take it a try" plays as you transform into Wild Charis.

In addition, the red parts on the front of the Charislauser light up when transformed. The parts shown in the yellow frame in the image below are equipped with four LEDs on the outer periphery, which light up the inside. In the DX version, the light source appears as a dot, but this has been improved by changing the specifications as described above.

Also, the display products and product images on the order page (described later) are prototypes, so the front looks like a solid metallic red, but in the retail version the backside of the clear parts will be painted silver, so the final product will have a clear look. (The parts below will be clear parts.)

2. Includes lines from Aikawa Hajime, Mikami Ryo, and the Human Undead!
By pressing the button on the top of the Charis Rouser, you can play a number of lines uttered by Aikawa Hajime, played by Morimoto. As with BLAYBACKLE, lines from MASKED RIDER BLADE, MASKED RIDER BLADE the Movie: Missing Ace, and KAMEN RIDER ZI-O are included.
In addition, this product comes with a bonus track, a "special mode" that lets you hear lines from "Mikami Ryo" and the "Human Undead" voiced by Morimoto. By pressing the dialogue button while in special mode, you can enjoy voices such as Mikami Ryo's "Ultimate Form! Special Turbo!"

3) Updated the fixing method of the Rouser unit to match that in the movie.
The core part of the Charis Rouser is the "Rouser Unit", but this time the way the Rouser Unit is attached to the belt has been changed from the "DX Charis Rouser". In the DX version, it was fixed by passing it through a rail from above, but the prop in the movie was not fixed in that way, but rather "the Rouser Unit was sandwiched between the parts on both sides". If you look at Charis' action in the movie, when removing the Rouser Unit from the belt, it was not slid up like the DX version, but rather pulled towards you to remove it.
For this product, the unit's fixing method has been changed to the same structure as the prop in the movie, so the unit can be removed by pulling it towards you, just like in the movie.

(If the rouser unit is too easy to remove, there is a risk that it may come off unintentionally, which would violate safety standards. Therefore, when removing it by pulling it towards you, you will need to open one side of the clamping parts as shown below, but this should be within the range of what can be done with one hand.)

④Includes sound effects when Decade Zi-O appears
The "belt appearance sound" when Charis appears in "MASKED RIDER DECADE" and "KAMEN RIDER ZI-O" was the sound of the DX version of the toy, so this product is also designed to play that sound as the "belt appearance sound". (Of course, the default is the belt appearance sound in the "MASKED RIDER BLADE" drama.)

5. Equipped with two modes: in-game mode and infinite scan mode
This is a function that was also installed in the DX Charis Rouser and CSM Bray Rouser,
There are two modes for card scanning play.

1. In-game mode: When the game starts, you are set to 7,000 points, and the points decrease by the number of cards you scan (if you don't have enough points, a "Miss" sound will be played).
② Infinite scan mode: A mode that allows you to scan cards infinitely regardless of points.

If you want to play according to the setting in the movie, play in mode ①. If you want to enjoy more freedom with card scanning, play in mode ②.
On the Bray Rouser, points are visible on a segment display, but since the Charis Rouser does not have this, the numbers are stored internally.

⑥The Rouser is 115% larger than the DX version!
The DX version of Charis Rouser is slightly smaller than the DX version of BLAYBACKLE. BLAYBACKLE props were also DX size, but the Charis Rouser props were a little larger than the DX. For this reason, we have increased the overall size this time. The Charis Rouser is also the base of the Charis Arrow, so if this part remained small, the Charis Arrow would also be based on the DX size, so we adjusted the size balance while considering the entire product.

⑦Other specifications
Although it came off in the video featuring Morimoto, the front part of the rouser unit is removable.

Also, the gold part in the center of the card deck (holder) is removable.
This is because we are currently considering a certain replacement gimmick, so the specifications are as they are now.

We want to release all the Charis (Aikawa Hajime) related items, which is why we have set the specifications above; however, the next release and beyond will depend on the reaction (especially the initial response) to the CSM Charis Rouser and Charis Arrow, so we ask all MASKED RIDER BLADE and Charis fans to please make your reservations.

Next, here are the points for Charis Arrow.
■ Charis Arrow
①The largest size in CSM history, with a total length of approximately 130cm!
The biggest feature of the CSM Charis Arrow is its enormous size. It is the largest CSM/CSG to date, with a total length of about 130cm. After doing some research, I found that this is about the same height as the average third-grade boy. (However, this is still much smaller than the prop Charis Arrow.)
Compared to previous CSM items and the DX Charis Arrow, the size is as shown below. You can see how big it is.

▼ Comparison between CSM Faiz Edge and CSM Blay Rouser (with Diamante Edge)

▼Comparison with DX Charis Arrow

As anyone who saw the actual Charis Arrow prop at the Kamen KAMEN RIDER Exhibition will know, it is overwhelmingly larger than props like those of the Blazer.
When adjusted to match the scale of the Blazer and Charis Arrow Rouser units, the total length will be approximately 130cm.

Below is a comparison image of the DX and CSM with just the Rouser unit, and you can see that the Rouser alone is not that huge.
▼DX Rouser Unit (left) CSM Rouser Unit (right)

I think that Charis Arrow is all about its size, so I hope you will experience its power for yourself.

② Prop shape is reproduced!
The Charis Arrow is completely different from the DX version, but the biggest change from the mechanism is the attachment part of the Rouser Unit. In the DX version, a plate-like part is attached before the Rouser Unit is attached, and this part is responsible for locking the Rouser Unit and increasing the strength of the arrow. (The prop does not have such a part.)
In order to reproduce the shape of the prop in this product, we were able to eliminate the mounting plate by moving the locking mechanism of the rouser unit to a different position.

On the other hand, the DX version had a gimmick where the blade would move when the black lever was pulled, and the blade would automatically return when the trigger was pressed, but the CSM Charis Arrow omitted the lever and blade linking gimmick for the sake of strength and safety.

In the DX version, the blade is made of soft vinyl and extremely light, and is reinforced with an attachment part, so the above gimmick was possible. However, this product's blade is huge and made of die-cast plastic, and there is no reinforcing attachment part (to reproduce the appearance), so when the arrow gimmick is activated, a tremendous load is placed on the arrow itself, causing it to warp in one hit.

In the movie, the lever and blade interlocking gimmick was rarely depicted, and even if it was, it was expressed by CG composition. Since the prop itself did not have an interlocking gimmick, it is assumed that the prop did not interlock due to strength issues. In order to prioritize the reproduction of the appearance of the prop in the movie, we have decided on this specification. Thank you for your understanding.

The CSM Charis Arrow also has a movable blade gimmick, and when you press the green jewel part at the base of the blade to unlock it, the blade can be moved and opened or closed.
Also, although it is not linked to the blade, when you pull the black lever, a standby sound will play, and when you press the trigger, the lever will automatically return and a shooting sound will play. Please rest assured that you can still play with the arrow.
(In episode 2 of the show, a lever gimmick that doesn't move the blade is depicted, so the reproduction of that is actually better than the DX version.)

3. Sound effect button
The grip part of this product is equipped with a sound effect button.
The sounds that are played are the arrow appearance sound, the undead buckle opening sound, and the undead sealing sound.
In terms of usability, we would like you to imagine it as being similar to the sound effect button on the CSM Blazer.
The buttons are located as shown below, in a position that makes them easy to press with your thumb when holding the Charis Arrow in your left hand.

In addition, you will be able to recreate some of the impressive sealing techniques that Charis showed in the show, such as the slow-motion card throwing seal (episode 2) and the sealing where she drops the card on the spot without throwing it (episode 25). We hope you will enjoy it.

④ Combination gimmick with Rouser unit
The main gimmick of the Arrow is its combination with the Rouser Unit.
By attaching the Rouser Unit to the Charis Arrow, the Rouser Unit will detect the combination and transition from the belt state to the arrow state, allowing you to enjoy combo scan play with the Rouse Card.
The Charis Arrow side also detects that the Rouser Unit has been combined and the sound changes.

As was the case with the CSM Bray Rouser, some Rouse Cards that were not used in the film have their own unique sound effects added to them, so be sure to give them a try.

⑤Clear parts are used in various places
This product uses clear parts in various places to match the props.
The product on the order page and the product on display (see below) is a prototype under development, so it is painted in a solid metallic color, but the product version will have clear parts with silver sprayed on the back. As the mold is still in the process of being made, we are unable to show you an image of it at this time, but the corresponding clear parts will be colored yellow, as shown below.

■ Rouse Card
A total of 28 Rouse cards are included. The lineup is centered around the cards used and owned by Charis in the movie.
This time, we are starting pre-orders for two products at the same time: "CSM Charis Trouser & Charis Arrow", a set that includes a belt and weapon, and "CSM Charis Trouser", a standalone product that includes only the belt. Both sets include Contents 28 cards.
With Blade and Garren, the belts alone only contained the four cards needed for transformation play, but since Charis can transform into various undead, all 28 cards are included in Contents.

This concludes our introduction to the "CSM Charis Rouser & Charis Arrow" specifications.

This item is on display at the NARIKIRI WORLD STORE in Ikebukuro. (Please note that this is a prototype and may differ slightly from the actual product, including the clear parts mentioned above.)
CSM BLAYBACKLE and CSM Garren Buckles will also be on display, so please come by the store while reminiscing about the 20th anniversary MASKED RIDER BLADE.
I think you'll be able to appreciate the power of Charis Arrow even more if you see it in person.

That's all for today's blog. We look forward to your reservations!
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