Updated: July 1, 2024

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Orders begin today! Introducing the Memorial Fever, Boost Mark II, Sound Core ID, and the Memorial Boost Mark IX, which is due for pre-order soon!

Hello everyone. I am in charge of KAMEN RIDER toy development.
New products from Gietz are here!


For more details, please see the reservation page and the review video on BANDAI official YouTube channel, "Banmani!"
In this blog, we will introduce some points that were not mentioned in those articles.

■ "PREMIUM DX Memorial Fever Slot Raise Buckle"

~Molding color changed~
The "additional paint job" has been mentioned on the reservation page and in "Banmani!", but the molding color itself is also planned to change. The "~This Product~" in the image above is the painted prototype = painted state, but we plan to select the molding color of the mass-produced product so that it comes close to this color.

■ "PREMIUM DX Memorial Boost Mark II Rise Buckle"
~About the voice cast~

To give you a rough idea of the number of voice actors:
・Eiju: About 40 varieties
・Gene: Approximately 50 types
・Keiwa: Only 1 type
is scheduled.

There is only one line for Kagekazu, but as the person in charge of the Tycoon Boost Form Mark II, which has been such a hot topic, I felt I couldn't not mention it, so I included only the line, "Boost Mark II buckle...?"

In addition to these, the above-mentioned "sound effects" will also be recorded, so the total number of "sound effects + cast voices" is expected to be around 100.

■ "DX Sound Core ID Set 05 BGM EDITION"
About the size

As mentioned in "Banmani!", it is the same as the conventional sound core ID. This size is the limit for incorporating a sound unit into the already small core ID. This time, we have added the ability to replace the top part while maintaining the same size, so we hope you will understand.

~About the recorded BGM~

In order to allow you to become one of the four riders - Geets, Tycoon, Buffa and Nago - the models were selected to meet the following two conditions.
・The song that was played during the memorable battle between the four riders
・Not limited to those four riders, but a wide range of impressive songs

If you have purchased CSM, you will know how exciting it is to have background music playing from the belt, and it will improve the quality of your NARIKIRI playing. We hope you will consider this along with our other memorial buckles.

lastly Reservation deadline: July 7th (Sun) of "PREMIUM DX Memorial Boost Mark IX RAYS BUCKLE" This is an update.
The specifications have been significantly upgraded since pre-orders began, so we would like to introduce them to you.

1. The number of recorded voices has increased from "50" to "100"!
The reservation page states that there will be "over 50 types" of "sound effects" and "cast voices" in total.
However, we currently plan to have over 100 types of cast voices alone.
Initially, we were planning to have 50 different types of voice recordings, with Kan Hideyoshi, who plays Hidetoshi, and Aoshima Shin, who plays Tsumuri, recording the voices. However, pre-orders were going really well, so we thought we had to make an even better product, and asked them to record additional material, thereby increasing the number of recordings, or rather doubling the number.
There will also be plenty of dialogue between Hidetoshi and Tsumuri.
Of course, the serious conversations in the second half of the story
Hidetoshi: "I'm strangely hungry."
Tsumuri: "Yes, go ahead."
Hidetoshi: "Hmm! It suits you! I'll have to disguise myself since I'm being targeted."
Tsumuri: "I think it's pointless. As long as you stand out."

We also plan to include some heartwarming(?) exchanges such as the following:

2. The theme song is not only included in the TV version, but also in the first half of episode 38 and the second half of episode 38!

We have increased the number of patterns from the original one to a total of three.

① TV size
→ Opening theme song as is

② Episode 38 ver. (first half)
→ Just before Geets Ⅸ says "Shhh" = "Let's win ♪"

3. Episode 38 ver. (second half)
→The pattern where "Stand by for the moment of destiny♪" plays after Geets IX's "Shhh" and leads to the second half of the theme song

If you watch episode 38 carefully, you will notice that the theme song in episode 38 is not the TV size, but is made up of "the first half of the theme song + (skipping the middle part) + the second half of the theme song." In order to maximize the fun of NARIKIRI playing Geets IX's first transformation, we adjusted it to the same size as in the play.

Of course, it also comes with Hidetoshi's voice saying "Shhh" and a function to pause the theme song!

3. Increased from 3 modes to 4 modes!

We have increased the number of patterns from the original three to the four below, improving the game to make Geets IX experience deeper and more enjoyable.
*Please note that you will not be able to hear the transformation and special move sounds that are the same as in the DX version, so if you would like to hear the DX version sounds, we would appreciate it if you would play the DX version that you have.

To tell you the truth, in steps ③ and ④ below, in "BOOST Ⅸ STRIKE" and "BOOST Ⅸ VICTORY", Hidetoshi's shouts of "Haa!" and "Haaaaaah!" will be heard over the special move sounds.
(This is an image of CSM's "dialogue mode")

① Normal mode
Transformation sound: DX sound + additional sound effects when transforming (for general transformation scenes other than the first transformation)
・Theme song: TV size
・Pause: Possible (no automatic "shhh" sound when paused)
・Calls: None

② First transformation mode
・Transformation sound: Long sound of the first transformation in episode 38
・Theme song: Recorded in two parts, episode 38 version (first half) and episode 38 version (second half)
・Pause: Not possible (You can have fun NARIKIRI to say "shhh" yourself)
・Calls: None

3. Normal/Dialogue Mode
Transformation sound: DX sound + additional sound effects when transforming (for general transformation scenes other than the first transformation)
・Theme song: TV size
- Pause: Possible (automatically beeps when paused)
・Calls: Yes

4. First transformation/dialogue mode
・Transformation sound: Long sound of the first transformation in episode 38
・Theme song: Recorded in two parts, episode 38 version (first half) and episode 38 version (second half)
・Pause: Not possible (An automatic "shhh" will sound when the theme song "Episode 38 ver. (first half)" ends)
・Calls: Yes

This is what it looks like in a diagram.

If you want to play by shouting "shhh" or your special move,
① Normal mode
② First transformation mode

If you want to play while listening to Hidetoshi's "Shhh" and special move calls,
3. Normal/Dialogue Mode
4. First transformation/dialogue mode

We have focused on allowing you to use it in a variety of different ways.
By the way, don't worry, you can hear all of Hidetoshi and Tsumuri's lines in any mode.

In addition, the special move sounds have been improved from the DX version.
→ Based on the fight against Geyser (Suel) in episode 38

→ Based on the fight against Rigado Omega in the final episode
This song is also shown on "Banmani!" so be sure to check it out.

Additionally, we are currently working on recording around 10 different battle sound effects for Boost Form Mark III and Geets IX.

So, it has turned out to be a much upgraded specification.
If you are unsure about purchasing,we hope you will consider the above information.
If you have already purchased it, please look forward to its arrival!

That's all for this blog.
Be sure to check out Banmani too!




© 石森プロ・東映