Updated: July 9, 2018

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


The ultimate points of V BUCKLE and drag visor Part 2: Dialogue play

Hello everyone, this is Funasen.

Today we will be revealing information on how to play with the "CSM V BUCKLE & Drag Visor".

About the activation of character voices: Single lines and dialogue

V BUCKLE contains the voices of the characters, and when you insert a card deck and press the dialogue button, the character voices will play in order.
On the other hand, as you could see in the trailer, when you press the dialogue button before inserting the card deck, i.e. before transforming, you hear Shinji's voice saying "Transform!"
Before the transformation, you cannot recognize which character you are, so when you press the dialogue button,
The "Transform!" voice is set to play in the following order: Shinji ⇒ Ren ⇒ Kitaoka ⇒ Asakura ⇒ Tezuka ⇒ Tojo ⇒ Kirishima ⇒ Shinji (mirror image).

By saying "Transform!" in the voice of any character and then inserting the card deck, you can have fun playing with the sounds just like in the video.

After transforming, you can play each character's lines by pressing the dialogue button.
The lines were chosen by picking out memorable ones from all the episodes, and "MASKED RIDER RYUKI" has a lot of conversations between riders, and it is among these exchanges that some of the best, cool and funny lines can be found.

So, the lines recorded on the belt are mostly conversational before and after, but if you have friends nearby who have also purchased V BUCKLE, you can face each other as Shinji and Ren, or Kitaoka and Asakura, and press the dialogue buttons to talk to each other. Of course, I think the most Ryuki-like way to play is to say your own lines and hold each other's card decks up to the mirror, so you can enjoy it even without using the dialogue buttons.

On the other hand, I do think it's a shame that when you're playing alone and you press the dialogue button, the conversation ends half-way.
Therefore, we have programmed it so that when you "press and hold the dialogue button," not only the character's lines will be heard but also the other character's lines, creating a conversation!
This means that each character has a line that is spoken when you press a button briefly and a line that is spoken when you press and hold the button.

Use this belt to relive various scenes from MASKED RIDER RYUKI, such as the exchange between Shinji and Ren when he first transforms into Ryuki Survive, or the final conversation between them!
That's all for today's update.
The next update will be on Tuesday, July 17th.
See you next time!
© 石森プロ・東映