Updated: December 18, 2017

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Ultimate points of CSM OOO DRIVER Part 1: Evolution points of O's scanner

Hello everyone, this is Funasen.
Thank you so much for the great response OOO DRIVER!

From now on, we will be able to fully explain the points of the CSM OOO DRIVER on the reservation page.
I will be updating the blog in my usual style, explaining in detail what is missing.

This time we will be looking at "Auscanner".
The CSM Oscanner is a completely new design!
OOO DRIVER had a system where the sound and light gimmicks were concentrated in the scanner, so this modification was inevitable.
In addition to adding a dialogue button, BGM button, and mode change switch, we have also made some changes to the internal design, such as moving the power switch that was on the DX version to the back.

First, let's talk about the dialogue buttons.
We added a switch to the side, right where your thumb would rest.

If you hold the O-Scanner and press it, it will look like the image below.

By having it here, you can hold the scanner before and after the transformation and have it play various lines as you transform. In addition, by pressing this button while the transformation standby sound is playing, you can have Eiji's "Transform!" voice play.
This function is the same as "CSM Kaiser Gear".

As mentioned on the reservation page, the audio that can be played by pressing the dialogue button can be changed by selecting the "Dialogue Mode" on the back of the Auscanner!
● In "Normal mode"
- Short press of the dialogue button → Each time you press it, Eiji and Ankh's lines will play in order.
- Press and hold the dialogue button to hear Ankh's dialogue and the sound of the medal being thrown. There are several different patterns available.

● When in "Buddy Voice Mode"
- Short press of the dialogue button → Each time you press it, Eiji and Ankh's lines will play in order.
- Press and hold the dialogue button → The sound of Eiji and Ankh throwing a medal will play.
There are also several variations for this, and sometimes Eiji will have a line requesting a specific medal.

"(Eiji) Ankh! Gatagatakiriba!" → "(Ankh) Tch, take it!" → "The sound of throwing a medal." *However, it is up to the user to decide whether or not to actually use the medal.

● When in "Ankh Navigate Mode"
- Short press of the dialogue button → Ankh will give instructions each time you press the button.
There are example lines on the reservation page, and you can also take on the challenge of reading out random medals and transforming into them.
In addition, if you leave it without transforming, Ankh will urge you to do so, and after a few seconds have passed since transforming, he will give you instructions to use a special move... There are various ways to play. I think it will
be a lot of fun!
・Press and hold the dialogue button → You will also receive instructions from Ankh. The content will be different from the short press.

Next up is the "BGM button"!

Unlike the dialogue button, this button is located on the back.
Each time you press it, four different songs play in sequence; if I say it's the same as the CSM DEN-O BELT, those who own it will understand.
Naturally, it is possible to play lines and transformation sounds while playing music, so you could play Eiji's "Transform!" sound like in the opening of the show while playing "Anything Goes!"!

The song "Battle of Greed" was used in various ways in the show, sometimes playing right before Greed transforms, and sometimes starting to play after he transforms. I think this toy has the greatest range of atmosphere reproduction.
*Actually, I had hoped to include all the combo songs, but due to limitations in the audio IC capacity and other costs, I gave up.
When transforming into combos other than Tajadol, please use the CD you have. If you don't have one, why not take this opportunity to purchase the CD?

By the way, some of you may have wondered why the dialogue button wasn't placed on the back. It would certainly not have spoiled the appearance of the scanner if it had been placed on the back, but then if we had done that, then we wouldn't be able to play the dialogue when the O-Scanner was put into the holder.
We've already shown you clearly how to press the buttons in the "How to Play" video, but in order to recreate a more realistic NARIKIRI sequence, the transformation play begins with the Ouscanner seated in the scanner holder, so we placed the buttons in this position.

That's all for today.
The next update will be on Monday, December 25th.

See you next time!
© 石森プロ・東映