Updated: September 18, 2018

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


CSM HENSHIN BELT ARCLE Episode 1 Resurrection

Hello everyone.
I'm Funasen, a man who chases his dreams and owns 2000 toys (big lie).

Details of the "COMPLETE SELECTION MODIFICATION HENSHIN BELT ARCLE" have finally been announced and pre-orders have started today!

First of all, thank you so much for your immediate response and reservations!
Please note that the first batch of pre-orders may end early. In that case, the second batch will be shipped in a different month.

Well, as you can see, this ARCLE is a big upgrade from the Complete Selection version, or rather, it will be released with a "super transformation!" Today, I will introduce some of it in detail.

First, the exterior. Using the design data from the "Complete Selection Version" released 10 years ago, we have made some small detail adjustments to make it even closer to the prop. There will be some more details brushed up from the design on the order page (excluding parts that cannot be made due to the internal structure of the toy or the structure of the mold). The size is the same as the Conselect version, so it's super big scale! The design is connected to the sides, making it the largest CSM to date.

The central light-emitting part has a two-layer LED structure and is equipped with a total of 12 full-color LEDs.
Eight full-color LEDs installed on the first layer illuminate the entire center of ARCLE. (In the PV, there are six, but in reality there are eight.)
The second layer is equipped with four full-color LEDs, which illuminate the rotating parts inside the belt.
This rotating part is designed to scatter the light from the four LEDs, making the center of ARCLE appear to be rotating.

In the old Concertina version, a total of eight LEDs illuminated the rotating part, but in the movie, the "octagonal detail" that did not rotate was what rotated, so in this CSM version, that design surface does not rotate, and instead the rotating part is set behind it.
By shining light on this side, we are able to recreate the glowing rotation that is so close to what you see in the movie. It actually looks like the internal windmill is glowing and spinning.

This time, we did not use the technique of directly rotating the LEDs (at the time they were wheat bulbs) as in the DX version.
Some people may think this is better, but when trying to achieve this kind of rotation with a toy, you can only use small LEDs, so the point of light will rotate and only become a "thin circular line of light," which is the main reason we did not adopt this method this time.
Even if you stack a large number of these LEDs, all that will result is a few wires.
The reason why the light of the DX still appeared to spread was because of the large uneven grooves on the surface, but there was a disadvantage in that the design was significantly further away from the prop. Furthermore, to create a structure that rotates the light source, it would be necessary to increase the thickness, which would also move it further away from the prop. Due to various reasons, we decided to adopt this light-emitting rotation method.
(As an aside, the thickness of ARCLE is thicker in the DX version than in the Concert version.)

As the person in charge, I am confident that this is the best method we could use to achieve "a design that maintains the appearance, glows and appears to spin, and continues to emit light even after the rotation has stopped," and it is an item that we can deliver to you with confidence.

And! What we focused on with regards to the exterior was the "transformation effect"!
I'm sure those of you who have looked at the reservation page will understand, but the biggest selling point of this product is how realistic it is, allowing you to recreate the various transformation scenes from the movie!

Firstly, this will be the first ARCLE to recreate the transformation sound from the movie!
The transformation sounds in the DX version and the old Concert version are slightly different from the ones in the movie, so this time we're going to perfectly recreate the ones in the movie!
In particular, the transformation sound for the Mighty Form was different from the one in the series, and was used from the middle of the second season until the end, so we are currently developing it to reproduce that.
*Since the data for the transformation sound of this Mighty Form was no longer available, the PV has been edited to make it closer to the original sound, but we will continue to polish it from here on out. ←11/5 Update: Found it!

The DX version's transformation sound was used as is for Kuuga in Decade, so we made it possible to play it by switching modes.
I think it's an item that gives you two benefits in one.

The transformation into the Rising Form is not accompanied by a specific melody, but rather by the "rumble of thunder," and this has also been reproduced this time.
In the old Concert version, ARCLE had to be removed before it could be attached, but this time it is magnetic, so it can be attached with ARCLE still attached, allowing for a transformation that is closer to the one in the movie.

In addition, the transformation into ARCLE in "Ultimate Form" is reproduced for the first time!
The four colored button parts are covered in the same way as the G DEN-O BELT replacement for the "CSM DEN-O BELT-O Belt", recreating the color change. Furthermore, the surrounding golden ancient lettering can be replaced with a silver design by replacing the magnet.
This makes it the first toy that can recreate the Ultimate Form.
The sound is the same as the sound of the transformation in the movie, so you can transform while listening to the sound of a snowstorm. It's so fun to watch the transformation scene. It's also recreated in the PV, so check it out!

That's right, it includes the niche sound of a snowstorm, as well as seven original BGM tracks, for a total of eight BGM tracks, the largest number in CSM history!
The order of the BGM is what I'm currently racking my brains over the most. I'm trying to get it in the most natural order possible to recreate the sequence, so you'll have to wait until it arrives to find out...

This time, we were able to record the voice of Shingo Katsuyama, who plays Ichijo Kaoru!
The item that will be included in this comment is a "cell phone" that will be nostalgic for those who remember the toys from that time!
This was inspired by the mobile phone item that came with the "DX Beat Gouram", and I decided on a design where the ring comes from a separate item rather than from ARCLE itself.
By the way, the item released at that time had incredible specs, with Godai's voice coming from the "cell phone" and Ichijo's voice coming from the "Beat Chaser," and lines even being exchanged via communication.
Even as someone currently involved in toy development, I can't help but be amazed at how revolutionary this voice communication toy is.
Of course, it may seem strange to hear Ichijo-san's own voice coming from a cell phone, but since this is a NARIKIRI item, we can't attach a model motorcycle or anything like that, so we hope you understand that the ringing will come from a cell phone.
It's the same as Takumi's voice coming from the Faizphone in CSM.

As you listen to the sound on this mobile phone, we hope you will become Godai Yusuke and transform yourself with that feeling in mind!

The "Complete Selection MASKED RIDER KUUGA HENSHIN BELT" released 10 years ago was priced at 35,000 yen (excluding tax), but this time the CSM ARCLE has even more features and more accessories, but to celebrate the "20th Heisei work anniversary", we are releasing it at a special price of 25,000 yen (excluding tax), 10,000 yen cheaper than the original price!
So, this has gotten long, but that's all for today.
I still feel like I have a lot to write, but from next week onwards, I will be posting more detailed specifications and the "& more" features listed on the pre-order page in future blog posts. I hope you will look forward to it!

Having said that, let me talk a little bit about Zi-O!
On the day before yesterday's broadcast, Emu-sensei and Hiiro-sensei appeared, and as an Ex-Aider (a coined word), I was super, super, super excited!
Can we get super excited, no, hyper excited, next week?
Meanwhile, this weekend on Saturday, September 22nd, the "DX Ex-Aid Ride Watch" and "DX Ryuki Ride Watch" will be released! Be sure to check them out!
*By the way, the DX Drive Ride Watch used by Geiz on the recent broadcast is now on sale and has received rave reviews!

The next update will be on Tuesday, September 25th.
See you next time!

© 石森プロ・東映