50th Anniversary Project Shin KAMEN RIDER



KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


First in 13 years! DX Fang Memory & Extreme Memory!

Hello everyone, this is Funasen, CSM development manager.

Although it's not CSM today, we'd like to introduce an item that has been in a very long time and is now available for pre-order on PREMIUM BANDAI!
So, although it may seem sudden, for the first time in about 13 years, the "Fang Memory" and "Extreme Memory" will be released exclusively on PREMIUM BANDAI as part of the "SUPER BEST HENSHIN BELT Series"!

The "SUPER BEST HENSHIN BELT Series" began about 10 years ago as a brand name for the resale of DX main character belts, and last year Build-type DX toys such as BUILD DRIVER were released under this name exclusively by PREMIUM BANDAI.
During the Zi-O series, several DX HENSHIN BELT were re-sold under the brand name "ver.20th", and even after Zi-O ended, they have been regularly re-sold or produced additionally under this brand name.
Recently, they have been developing the "Legend HENSHIN BELT Series," which is a cheaper version of the main belt from the first Heisei period. The "ALTERING" and "BLAYBACKLE" will be released at the end of this month.

Meanwhile, the "HENSHIN BELT ver. 20th DX DOUBLE DRIVER" will be produced in additional quantities later this month and is scheduled to be available in some toy sections. (They will not be produced in the same quantities as the current Geets toys, so they will not be available in all toy sections.)
Click here for the product page

As a result of this, we have decided to re-sell "Fang Memory" and "Extreme Memory".
In fact, the mold for this product had been discarded, and it had been impossible to resell it for a long time.
This time, we will be releasing the ver.20th DX DOUBLE DRIVER overseas as well, and since we can expect to produce a large total quantity of other power-up Gaia Memories, including those in Japan, we have decided to create new molds to produce the Fang Memory and Extreme Memory.

Furthermore, this is not just a resale of the original product, but some specifications have been changed.

Fang Memory
The molding color is not the same as the original version, but is closer to the color of the CSM Fang Memory in order to get closer to the impression in the movie. The body is a dark color. In the CSM, this was reproduced by painting, but since it is a DX, it is a similar color with molding color.

Extreme Memory
We have adjusted the paint colors, such as gold, to make them closer to the image in the movie.
In the original version, the gold was very reddish, almost orange, but this time we have tried to make it closer to the color in the movie.

By the way, neither of the product names at the time had the "DX" prefix.
Nowadays, it has become common practice to add DX to almost any item, so we have added it to this product.
If you have DOUBLE DRIVER from Super Best or ver.20th after the broadcast, be sure to try playing with this one too!

That's all for today's blog.
The next update is scheduled for July 18th (Tuesday). See you!
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