BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: June 6, 2014

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Comparison with the DX KABUTOZECTER

The other day, a new employee was assigned to our department.
It feels kind of nostalgic.
Hello, this is YS.

Only 4 days left until the order deadline for the "COMPLETE SELECTION MODIFICATION KABUTOZECTER" (=CSM KABUTOZECTER)!!
Up until now, we have been talking about the appeal of the CSM KABUTOZECTER, but today, just before the deadline, we've compared the "DX HENSHIN BELT KABUTOZECTER" that was released when MASKED RIDER KABUTO was airing with the "CSM KABUTOZECTER."

First off, [KABUTOZECTER main unit, top: DX version, bottom: CSM version]

As expected, the difference in the metallic red color compared to the DX is clear.
Additionally, the CSM version has the numbers 1, 2, and 3 colored.

Next up is the belt and side buckle: Top: DX version, Bottom: CSM version.

The shape of the belt band has been significantly changed from the DX version.
It is a completely new design.
And let's not forget the side buckle with the "Clock Up" sound! The size and shape are completely different.
Please come and experience the "clock up" experience.

Finally, [Package Left: CSM version, Right: DX version]

The DX version has a window through which KABUTOZECTER body can be seen.
Even so, the CSM version is impressive. In comparison, the DX version was also attractive.
However, the CSM version doubles its appeal.
Whether you already have the DX version or not, we hope you enjoy the new KABUTOZECTER, revived for the modern era.

The next update will be on June 9th, the deadline for ordering CSM KABUTOZECTER.
See you later!

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