BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: May 11, 2015

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Development sample released

Yesterday, I had to wait in line for quite a while to buy carnations.
Hello, this is YS.

This week we will be revealing a development sample of the "COMPLETE SELECTION MODIFICATION DIENDRIVER & DIEND BELT (CSM Diend Driver & Diend Belt)" which just arrived today.
This is a sample called T3 that has not yet been painted.

Since it is not painted, the aluminum parts on the muzzle really stand out.

Also, the Diend Driver uses some modified versions of the DX version's mold, but the markings that were engraved on the battery cover are gone, and the appearance and feel of the grip have also changed.
Additionally, the color of the power switch has been changed from red to black.

[DX version on the left, CSM version on the right]

And here is the Diend Belt.

The mark is a separate part, and a clear part is fitted in from the back.


I will explain this marking in more detail on my blog later.
If you have the DX version, you might have fun comparing it with the CSM version and discovering all the different changes.

We usually update on Mondays, but the next update is scheduled for Thursday, May 14th.
There may be some interesting announcements. Stay tuned!
Until next time

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