BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: March 2, 2021

Weekly RKF Photo Record


Issue 26: Book Reading with RKF Brave Dragon!

Brave Dragon looks at his book.
You look proud.

Do you know the secret of the preface?

The Rider characters were quickly replaced by the alphabet, with someone deciphering them as early as September last year.
This time, we will explain how these characters are used with RKF Brave Dragon.

This page is called the story page, and as you know, the pages that are not the sticker side have Rider letters carved into them.

"Preface: When the pages of this book are turned, the name of the swordsman chosen by divine fate will appear."
This text was also featured in the first eye-catch of Episode 1 in the main story.

In fact, if you read this sentence vertically, the word "KAMENRIDER" is hidden.

Eh, did you know?

So how about this one?

The Brave Dragon is also on the cover! He looks very proud.

The Dragonic Knight Wonder Ride Book also contains a preface.

"Prologue: With the power of a legend that never existed before, a warrior of a new era emerges."
The preface is different!

This appears in the eye-catch of episode 17.

And this one also reads vertically as "KAMENRIDER".

Oh, did you know?

Then how about this one?
In the next issue, we will reveal the secret behind the letters in the latest Wonder Ride Book!

It's gone from the cover. Brave Dragon.

Hello, this is Justin, your editor.
No, we were just introducing the RKF, which is fun to use in conjunction with the Wonder Ride Book!

The Brave Dragon looks happy to see that it says "A very brave dragon."
The KAMEN RIDER SABER series lets you create such a scene!

In the next issue, we will take a closer look at even more Rider characters, including the latest Elemental Dragon Wonder Ride Book.

By the way, the words "Look valiant!" are written here.
In other words, it's super strong!!!

We look forward to your continued support for the next issue.

KAMEN RIDER SABER 's RKF series is here
DX Elemental Dragon Wonder Ride Book Product page here

*The images shown in this article are for illustrative purposes only.

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