BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: March 16, 2021

Weekly RKF Photo Record


Issue 28: RKF Brave Dragon is the best deciphered!

Today we continue deciphering the letters in the Wonder Ride Book!
Check out these two KAMEN RIDER Saikou items!

First up is the "Golden Weapon, Silver Weapon" Wonder Ride Book!
Clear and invisible!

I still can't see it!
But in the preface
"It will become a sword that is full of brilliance and carries the light of glory."
It says, "A truly dedicated preface."

And this too is read vertically as "KAMEN RIDER"!!!

Meanwhile, X-Swordman also has a new "Table of Contents."
"Episode 1: Fight with all colors"
"Episode 2: My Everything Goes to My Arms"
"Episode 3: My Everything Goes to My Legs"
This also has its own dedicated text detailing the strengthening of X-Swordsman.

Hello, this is Justin, your editor.
Today we introduced two types of Saikou's Wonder Ride Books.
I hope that you will enjoy the Wonder Ride Book from various perspectives.
X-Swordman Wonder Ride Book lets you turn the pages and listen to the audio.
The fun doubles when you rearrange the RKF!

Alter Ride Book!!
This one also has a preface exclusive to the Alter Ride Book!
"Preface: Eternity is created by books"
And when read vertically...

We look forward to your continued support next week!

KAMEN RIDER SABER 's RKF series is here
RKF KAMEN RIDER Saikou Ultimate Perfect Set Product page here

*The images shown in this article are for illustrative purposes only.

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