BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: October 18, 2021

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog

Starting today, we will begin accepting replacements for defective CSM ALTERING parts.

Hello everyone. I'm Funasen, in charge of CSM development.

As we announced in our previous blog, we have confirmed that some of the mass-produced products in the first shipment of "CSM ALTERING", which began being delivered in late September, have a defect in which the connection part of the side buckle has come loose or is broken.
We sincerely apologize to anyone who received the defective product in question, or any other defective product.
Once again, we sincerely apologize.

Starting today, we have set up a dedicated contact point below to handle exchange requests.
Please check this.

Apology and Notice Regarding CSM ALTERING

As we had only a small number of replacement parts available, we have decided to reproduce all of the corresponding products at a fixed price.
We apologize for the time it takes to prepare.

■ Regarding damage to side buckles
⇒Please return only ALTERING unit itself, following the instructions on the information page.

■ Regarding other defective products
⇒ If you have checked the "Frequently Asked Questions" and your problem is still not resolved, please contact the "BANDAI Customer Service Center" first.
After the center has checked the contents, if it is decided to exchange the device, we will inform you of the return shipping method.
Replacing the main body will take the same number of days as responding to a damaged side buckle.

Please note that the procedure varies depending on the problem.

●About the cause of this side buckle damage
There are multiple parallel production lines that assemble side buckles within the manufacturing process, but on some of these lines, there were a certain number of assembly errors (insufficient combinations).
The way to distinguish between normal and defective products is described in ② of [How to check for exchange items] at the link above. If you have received ALTERING, please check it by the method in ②.

It has been nearly a month since the product was delivered, but if it has not been damaged during this period while you have taken it off and put it back on multiple times, you can safely assume that it is in good condition.

The defective product is caused by an insufficient assembly, and when a load is applied, the "protrusion" that acts as a stopper for the range of motion rides up and outwards, and when force is applied to move the side buckle inwards from that state, the protrusion is pushed up and the load is applied, causing it to break. Or, it may just come off due to the insufficient assembly.

●Delay in delivery of the second shipment
As for the second shipment, the produced products will be returned to the factory for inspection, so the delivery date will be changed from October to December.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to you as you were looking forward to the release.

The second shipment had been assembled continuously from the first shipment, and because the products had already been shipped and were at sea when the problem was discovered, they had to be returned to the factory for inspection, which will take approximately two months.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused while you are looking forward to this event.

●Additional information: To those who received a normal product
A properly assembled product will pass the load tests that are normally expected, and will not break during normal play.

However, just to be on the safe side, we ask that you refrain from using the product in a way that puts constant stress on the left and right side buckles.
For example, if you hold the bag by only one side of the belt as shown below, the weight load will be concentrated on the connection part of the side buckle, so please refrain from doing so.

Since the entrance of ALTERING is narrower than the maximum inner diameter, we would like you to insert it from a direction that does not require too much opening, according to the shape of your abdomen, as shown in the diagram below.

If your waist circumference exceeds the size stated in electronic manual (approximately 84cm to 100cm), the product will be subjected to constant outward pressure while being worn, so it is not suitable for use and we ask that you refrain from playing with it.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you during this time of eager anticipation.
Please wait a little longer until the replacement and second shipment arrives. We will continue to strive to improve our manufacturing quality in the future.

That's all for today.
The next blog update will be sometime this weekend.
The next update will be on Monday, November 25th.
We would like to introduce some of the products that are available for pre-order this month on PREMIUM BANDAI.

We continue to thank you.

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