BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: January 24, 2022


I thought maybe there was a problem with the CSM ALTERING.

If you think there may be a problem with your "CSM ALTERING" product, please check here first.

<About the product (if you think there is a problem)>

・The sound stops midway. The LED doesn't light up or changes color. The device reboots.

The infrared sensor doesn't respond well.

・The battery runs out quickly

<About the product (if you think there is a problem)>

・The sound stops midway. The LED doesn't light up or changes color. The device reboots.

The batteries may be dead, so try replacing all the batteries with new ones.
If it still does not work properly, please contact the BANDAI Customer Service Center.

The infrared sensor doesn't respond well.

① The infrared sensor will not respond properly under sunlight or in front of a white wall. Please play indoors where there is no sunlight and no white reflective objects near the sensor.
② The batteries may be dead, so try replacing all the batteries with new ones.
If it still does not work properly, please contact the BANDAI Customer Service Center.

・The battery runs out quickly

Because CSM ALTERING consumes a lot of power, the battery will run out faster than with our other products. This is not a malfunction, so please replace the battery with a new one.


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