BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Updated: April 24, 2023

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Pre-orders for the CSG Pegasus Bowgun start today!

Hello everyone. I'm Funasen, the CSM developer.

We have two big announcements today!

①We're sorry for the wait since the initial announcement on March 19th. We'll be taking pre-orders for the "CSG Pegasus Bowgun" from 4pm today!

Product Details have also been released above. In today's blog, Mitsuo, who was in charge of development, will provide a detailed introduction. (Mitsuo was also in charge of the actual development of Titan Sword.)


My name is Mitsuo, and I'm in charge of development for the CSG Pegasus Bowgun.
Today we began accepting orders for the Pegasus Bowgun, the second release in the "COMPLETE STYLE GIGANTIC" series, which specializes in large weapons and items. We would like to take a closer look at the specifications of the Pegasus Bowgun.
Like the first Titan Sword, it is recreated in impressive size.

Pegasus Bowgun: Total length approx. 45 cm (when trigger lever is pulled: approx. 62 cm)
When you hold it, it has the following size:

It has quite a lot of volume even in its normal state, but it becomes even more voluminous when you attach the rising parts.

Rising Pegasus Bowgun: Total length approx. 74 cm (when trigger lever is pulled: approx. 89 cm)
This is what it looks like when you actually hold it.

The size is comparable to the Titan Sword from the first series.
Considering the thickness of the main body, it feels larger than the Titan Sword. (Though this may vary from person to person, it's definitely big!)

<Comparison with Titan Sword>     
Pegasus Bowgun Rising Pegasus Bowgun

When you see it in person, you'll be amazed at how big it is!
Of course, it's not just the size! We also paid attention to the texture, and the areas that don't affect friction when moving are fully painted!
Also, like the CSG Titan Sword, it usesacrylic parts!

And there are six of them!
The reason for using acrylic parts is that "if plastic parts are used, they must be hollow to prevent sink marks, and it is not possible to express the beautiful clear parts like the props." We paid particular attention to making the parts where the ancient characters stand out the most look beautiful.

I think the CSG series is probably the first rider NARIKIRI TOYS to use acrylic. After all, acrylic is quite expensive... (If you remember the price of acrylic stand products, you will understand.)
In addition, the long cylinder in the lever part is made of a die-cast part, which serves two purposes: ensuring strength when pulled and giving the entire bowgun a sense of weight.


It's a real thing, but
The exhibits are prototypes still in the design stage.
When printing the exhibits, they exceeded the maximum size that could be printed in-house, so they had to be printed in parts.
Therefore, the exhibits are divided, but rest assured that the actual products will of course not be divided!

Also, initially we were planning to attach an auxiliary part to the tip of the rising part due to strength issues, but we found that it works fine without the auxiliary part, so the round hole on the inside of the tip of the rising part will be removed! (It is there in the Ikebukuro exhibit.)

Please look forward to the products being updated rather than the ones on display!
It's an impressive sizeandluxurious product, so be sure to check it out in person!!!

And speaking of the Pegasus Bowgun! Since the pistol you received from Ichijo-san can transform, it is the weapon that is most closely related to Ichijo-san out of the three, so we've also recorded some of Ichijo-san's voice acting! However, all of the audio itself comes from the mobile phone included with "CSM ARCLE." From that, we've picked out some lines related to bowgun combat. Enjoy the recreation of the series of scenes starting with "Take it!"


That's all from the person in charge.

I would like to add one point.
The price of this product has increased significantly from the Titan Sword,
●We made a big sacrifice to increase the number of people who would purchase two Titan Swords...
●In fact, the Pegasus Bowgun is larger overall than the Titan Sword in terms of structure, length, width, and depth, and there are three more molds than the Titan Sword.
●As the length, width, and depth increase, the surface area also increases, so if the entire surface is painted, the painting costs will increase accordingly.
●There are more die-cast and acrylic parts than the Titan Sword.

This is why the price is as it is now.
In order to make the best possible product for adults and core fans, which is a one-off product, we decided to steer the development in the direction of aiming for a perfect finish without reducing the amount of paint.
I'm sorry, but I hope you understand the price.
Thank you for using the Pegasus Bowgun!

The second one is as follows! Today, there was an announcement from the official "Fuuto Tantei" website and from the "Weekly Big Comic Spirits 21/22 Combined Issue" that went on sale today.
"CSM Joker-Pant Memory" will be commercialized as a service item for all applicants!

Using the same appearance as the "CSM Dopant Memory Fuuto Detective Set" which will finally be shipped next month, "Joker Dopant Memory" will be made into a three-dimensional figure ahead of the anime's release!
For more details, please check out the topics at the above link!

The combined issue 21/22 of "Weekly Big Comic Spirits" will be released on April 24th,
Applications can be made using the application form included with the 14th volume of the "Fuuto Tantei" manga, which will be released on April 28th.
(A similar entry form will be included in issues 23 to 30 of Weekly Big Comic Spirits.)
●Application fee: 3,000 yen (including shipping and tax) ●Application deadline: June 30, 2023 (postmark on that day is valid)


As Tokime's memories, in addition to the Dopant transformation sounds, 16 of Tokime's lines are included. Most of the lines are from the anime, but one line is from a scene in the 14th volume of the manga!

One of the unique features of this product is that, in order to reproduce the depiction in the manga, you can recreate two different looks by changing the stickers.


The regular memory design is not just a re-use of the Joker Memory sticker, but follows the design of the Dopant Memory, with the mark facing straight on instead of diagonally, the word "JOKER" facing a different direction, and the arrow in silver (supervised by Sanjo-san).
If you are a Gaia Memory collector, you may want to purchase two and recreate both types.

Please note that applications will be accepted via the Fuuto Tantei book or magazine Big Comic Spirits published by Shogakukan, and not via PREMIUM BANDAI products!
We look forward to your application.

That's all for today's blog.
The next update is scheduled for Monday, May 8th, after the Golden Week holidays.
Well then!


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