BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: December 15, 2023

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Additional information on the CSM Dark KIVAT BELT!

Hello everyone. I'm Tamura, in charge of CSM Dark KIVAT BELT development.
Following up on our previous article, we would like to provide more information about the "CSM Dark KIVAT BELT," which was also introduced in yesterday's "Tell us! Premium Bandai PR Team" broadcast!
*We are currently accepting second-round reservations! (Delivery: scheduled for June 2024)

▼For the "Tell us! Premium Bandai PR Team" video, please see below.

Please note that this article is written under the assumption that you have already read the previous article, so if you have not yet done so, please read it first before reading the blog below.
<Previous blog: https://toy.bandai.co.jp/series/rider/topics/detail/3396/?t=blog

So let me give you a detailed introduction.

① Improved paint and molding colors
About the gold molding color of the Whistle
The reason why the gold parts of the Whistle are molded in a color rather than painted is to prevent friction with the lower jaw part of Kivat Bat II when it is inserted into Kivat Bat II, which could cause the paint to peel off.
If you were to paint it, you would only be painting the areas that will be rubbed, and the paint would mix with the molded color, resulting in an incomplete look.
However, the molding color of the Whistle shown at the NARIKIRIWORLD event and on the order page looked a bit ochre-ish, so we have since made some improvements to it.
The right side of the photo below shows the improved appearance. I think the color is now much closer to gold.

●About the paint color of the Whistle
The color of "Garuru Seal Whistle" and "Dogga Seal Whistle" has been improved to match the molding color.
Compared to the one that came with KIVAT BELT, the prop for Garuru was a deeper, more vibrant blue, so I tried to recreate that.
Furthermore, the props such as the nose were painted, so these will be added to the mass-produced product.
The Doggaseal Huestle is a slightly muted metallic purple, and the painting process involved applying the metallic purple in one step.
This one has been changed to a two-step paint job, with a silver coat first and then a metallic purple coat applied to give it a more vibrant look (although it's hard to tell from the photo).
<Garuru Seal Fuessle>

<Dogga Seal Fustle>

② About the anti-abrasion treatment of Kivat-Bat II and buckles
The most difficult aspect to get right during development was the metallic red paint job on Kivat-Bat II.
When you put it on the belt, the shape of the back will come into contact with the belt, which may cause the metallic red to peel off.
However, if you avoid painting only that area, it will end up looking cheap... (See the image below.)

As a result, we were able to improve durability while maintaining the original paint by using a method called "UV coating." (This is a very costly method, so it is difficult to use outside of CSM.)
This UV coating is only applied to areas that are subject to friction, so even though it is the back, the treatment is kept to a minimum.
When held up to the light it may appear slightly grained and rough, but don't worry, this is not a paint defect but a measure to prevent abrasion.

③ Details of audio specifications

●About the dialogue used when transforming
In the movie, Kivat-Bat II speaks different words to each person before transforming, so
By pressing and holding the "Sound Effect Button" before the transformation standby sound for each character mode, you can play the lines of Kivat-Bat II that correspond to that character mode.
(Example) In Akane Otoya mode: "Don't you value your life...?"

Also, when the transformation standby sound is playing, if you press the "dialogue button", the cast voice for each mode will say "Transform!"
This means you can ring the "Transform!" sound at your own timing.
*It will not respond in "normal mode".

●About Aura Attack Sounds and Special Move Sounds
This time, the "aura attack sound" (an attack in which the fang mark flies out) is recorded in five different versions, performed by Dark Kiva in various transformation forms.
Additionally, three "special moves" are included: "Wake Up One/Two/Three" using the Wake Up Whistle.
Although Wake Up Three was not used in the film, they existed in the setting, so we recorded newly created audio for them.

In addition, this time the game is equipped with a voice mode for each transforming character, so when you use an aura attack or special move in that mode, the sound will change to one that includes the voice of the transforming character.
The voices of all three characters, King, Otoya and Taiga, are included, meaning there are 5 types x 3 characters or 3 types x 3 characters, for a total of 24 special move variations!
*As a side note, please note that in the movie, the sounds of each aura attack and special move are not used by all three transformers, so some of them are original sound effects from the toys.
If anything, we have adopted the above specifications to eliminate the unnaturalness of something being present in King but not in Otoya.
Furthermore, only in King Mode will the sounds of Basher and Dogga sealing be played along with King's lines from the film.

●About the "pseudo voice recognition mode"
This time, the Dark KIVAT BELT also features a "pseudo voice recognition mode" for voice recognition play, just like the CSM KIVAT BELT.
Those who own the device may already know this, but in this mode, any word spoken will be recognised as a fixed word and an appropriate voice will be played; this mode was included to make it easier to play NARIKIRI playing games using voice recognition.
KIVAT BELT only had the voice of Kivat-Bat III, so it only said one word, "Kivat!" However, as there are three Kivat transformers in the story, the Dark KIVAT BELT has a "pseudo voice recognition mode" that is tailored to each transformer.
For example, when in King Mode, whatever you say will be recognized as "Exterminate," and the corresponding response will be played randomly.
When in Akane Otoya mode, it is considered as if he said "Bat-like thing!"
Therefore, if you want to use voice recognition to transform into NARIKIRI in each mode, you'll probably find the game goes more smoothly if you switch to this "pseudo voice recognition mode."
Basically, it is seen as a word related to transformation movements.

* Added King's voice and SE sounds
Regarding King's voice, there is an additional voice/sound effect specification that I was not able to mention in my previous blog or on the order page, but when you transform with KIVAT BELT, pressing the "sound effect button" will play the "Bloody Rose resonance sound." However, when you press the Dark KIVAT BELT, the "King appearance sound" that plays when King comes down the stairs when he first transforms into KAMEN RIDER Rider Dark Kiva will play.
*This also plays in "Normal Mode (Kivat Bat II Mode)."

The biggest addition this time is the addition of the sound of "Bat Fangire."
This sound can only be heard in normal mode and king mode.
Additionally, the sound of "Bat Fangire (Resurrected)", who was resurrected by Bishop, has also been added.
Now, when in "Bat-Fangire" state, the King's lines also change.
The lines are based on the ones King spoke after transforming into Bat-Fangire.
Also, when in "Bat-Fangire (Resurrected)" state, King loses his composure and is at a loss for words, so we have his screams played.
We've also included the "attack sounds" that are made when attacking in each state, so be sure to give them a listen.

Additionally, although it's a rather niche sound/sound effect, it also includes the audio of King draining the power of May's Fangire in episode 43.
This is an audio clip that only appears once in the film, and you can hear King's lines along with the sound effects.

About Otoya Akane (MASKED RIDER DECADE ver.)
One of the dialogue modes is the "Kurenai Otoya (MASKED RIDER DECADE ver.) Mode."
It includes Otoya's lines when he first appears in "MASKED RIDER DECADE," and the audio for Kivat's "Gabri!" also uses the DX version audio.
(In fact, the "Gaburi!" sound in the Decade movie was actually a sound effect used in DX toys at the time.)

Added "combined special move sound" for Noboru Taiga and MASKED RIDER KIVA
Some of the memorable scenes featuring Taiga Dark Kiva were the "combined aura attack" and "simultaneous wake-up special move" that he unleashed together with MASKED RIDER KIVA in the final episode.
These sounds have also been recorded in the Touhou mode. It's an impressive special move that uses the Jakoda.
We hope you will enjoy recreating the action together with the CSM KIVAT BELT and CSM Tatsurot.

●About incognito mode
In my last blog I mentioned that we would be recording a certain person's voice as a secret, and now I can finally announce it!
You may already be aware of this, but... "Masao Beni"The following lines will also be included in the recording!!
During the voice recording for the CSM EXA belt, Kohei Takeda also recorded the voice for the Dark KIVAT BELT, and at that time, he also recorded Masao's lines. (Apparently, they were ad-libbed lines at the time.)
The basic way to play is in "Masao Kurenai mode," just like the other King and Otoya Kurenai characters, and by switching modes you can hear Masao Kurenai's lines.
However, since Masao transforms into Kivat-Bat IV, you can have fun recreating the sound by combining it with the "CSM KIVAT BELT" which has the IV mode built in!

Increased background music
We have added a lot of new background music!
On the order page there were 6 songs in total, but 2 more songs were added at the end, making a total of 8 songs.
The additional background music includes the music played when Basher and Dogga are sealed away by Dark Kiva, as well as the music played when Akane Otoya transforms into Dark Kiva for the first time, so be sure to listen to it as soon as you receive your copy.

④ About the package
Finally, regarding the package design that was revealed in the last blog post, we have received a print sample from the factory, so we will also post a photo of that.
The logo, emblem, and rose design have been UV treated, and I think the finished product looks pretty cool when viewed as a three-dimensional object.

<UV processing area>

That's all for today's blog.
We look forward to your reservations. See you!

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