BANDAI official KAMEN RIDER toy information site

Last updated: December 22, 2023

KAMEN RIDER Development Blog


Introducing KAMEN RIDER Majed's NARIKIRI TOYS "DX Alchemis Driver Unit"!

Hello everyone! I'm Jason, in charge of developing KAMEN RIDER GOTCHARD NARIKIRI TOYS!

Have you seen the movie "KAMEN RIDER THE WINTER MOVIE GOTCHAR & Geets: The Strongest Chemistry★Gatcha Mission" that was released today?!?!

I think there are some audience members who are still emotional after seeing Geets for the first time in a long time.
I was really surprised when KAMEN RIDER Majeed made his first appearance in the movie!
I'm sure many people were captivated by the beautiful and cool battle scenes and found themselves screaming out loud in the theater!

Pre-orders for the "DX Alchemy Driver Unit" used by KAMEN RIDER Majeed to transform will begin today!

We have introduced it in the video below, so please check it out before reading this blog!

In this blog, we will introduce the appeal of the "DX Alchemis Driver Unit" in detail.

The exterior of the Alchemy Driver Unit itself is based on a clear green glitter molding color, with a cover part on the front designed to resemble the Alchemy Academy's flag!

The included High Alchemy Ring also has a design resembling the Alchemy Academy's flag, with a clear orange arrow-shaped part that really stands out!

By setting the Alchemys Driver Unit into GOTCHARDRIVER, the Alchemys Driver is completed, giving it a different look from previous GOTCHARDRIVER!


[GOTCHARDRIVER + Ex Gatcha River]

[Alchemy Driver]

There are three major differences from GOTCHARDRIVER not only in appearance but also in the gimmicks!

1.Non-contact reaction with high alchemy ring!
When you hold up the High Alchemy Ring, the driver will react and the transformation standby sound and special move standby sound will be activated!
The mechanism is that a magnet is installed inside the High Alchemist Ring, and when it is held over the triangular design of the driver, it reacts and activates a sound.
It may be easier to understand if you imagine KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE-One's Zero-One Driver and Progrise Key.

Operate the lever to unfold the cover!
When you attach the Alchemis Driver Unit to your belt and pull the lever, the cover will deploy!
GOTCHARDRIVER changes before and after transformation through the illustrations on the cards, but the Alchemys Driver changes through opening and closing its parts!

3) New lighting effect using two clear plates!
The clear part in the center of the Alchemy Driver is broadly divided into four parts, two of which are equipped with two LEDs that light up the plates!

[top Rank]

[2nd row]←LED light emitting point

[3rd row] ← LED light emitting point

[Bottom row]

[LED lighting image]

By illuminating the two plates, it is possible to create three different lighting patterns, resulting in a different LED expression from GOTCHARDRIVER!

[Second light stage]

[Third light stage]

[2nd + 3rd light stages]

Speaking of GOTCHAR toys, they are equipped with individual identification, and of course this Alchemis Driver Unit also features individual identification!

When you set a card on the belt, the card name will be played not only from GOTCHAR Driver, but also from the Alchemis Driver unit!
The voice is distinctive, with a male and female voice in unison, and I think it exudes a mysterious atmosphere that's different from the regular GOTCHARDRIVER!
Please add your own cards and enjoy!

This concludes the introduction of the DX Alchemys Driver Unit!
I can't reveal anything yet, but the Alchemys Driver has a hidden feature!
When the time comes to introduce it, we will do so on the blog, so we hope you will enjoy not only the movie but also the main story of KAMEN RIDER GOTCHARD while you wait!

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