Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: September 4, 2020

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman Z

DX King Joe Storage Custom Special Serial vol.3: DX King Joe 's voice specifications are "PREMIUM BANDAI class"!?

Hello everyone.
I'm Nno, in charge of planning and development of Ultra Toys!

This is the third update of the DX SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3 special feature, and this week we have the first report.

As announced in the "Important Notice" on the Ultraman TOY WEB the other day, the release date for the "DX SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3" has been changed from Saturday, September 12th to Saturday, September 19th.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to everyone who was looking forward to this event.

Although the product release has been delayed by a week, King Joe will be making an appearance on TV starting tomorrow and will play a major role!
First of all, we hope you will be excited about the characters' exploits in the show, and then we hope you will pick up the toys once they are released.

So, as we announced in the previous article, this week we will be introducing the sound specifications of "DX SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3."

In fact, this King Joe is priced at 3,800 yen (excluding tax), and in addition to having three transformation modes, it also makes sounds!
You don't often see items with these specifications in this price range these days...
As you can imagine, we are going ahead with some pretty crazy specifications.

Moreover, the sound does not only relate to the main robot mode, but also includes dedicated sound for each of the three modes.
What's more, we even recorded a new AI system voice (voiced by Katsumi Fukuhara) that is commonly heard throughout the film!
It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's as luxurious as a PREMIUM BANDAI limited item...

So, what specific lines and sound effects are included, and how do you play?
Let's take a closer look at the points you're curious about!

■ Basic voice activation operations
The electronic components of the product are concentrated in the main body of the "Head Fighter" in separate mode.

This small unit contains two button batteries and a circuit board with a voice program!

All sounds are activated by pressing the button on top.

At this time, the system distinguishes between a "long press" and a "short press." When the button is pressed and held for more than one second, the modes will change in sequence, and when it is pressed briefly, the special sound effects for that mode will play in sequence.

When you open the package and remove the insulating sheet, the robot will be in "robot mode."

■ Robot mode voice
Let's take a look at the voices for each mode. First, robot mode.

When you press the button in the initial state, the following four startup sequence sounds will be played in succession.
・Line 1: "Cleared for takeoff!"
・Sound effect 1: "Kyuuuuuuinn!"
・Line 2: "SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3! Robot mode!"
・Sound effect 2: "Bash!"

This sound will trigger the internal program to enter "robot mode," and after that, each time you press the button briefly, one of the following five sounds will play in sequence.
②Footsteps + cries + punch attack sounds
3. Pedanium hammer activation sound + explosion sound
④Footsteps + cries + punch attack sounds
*Same audio as ②

⑤Pedanium particle cannon firing sound + big explosion sound

The overall image is of King Joe moving forward and facing off against enemies using a mix of normal attacks and special moves.

■ Separate mode audio
If you press and hold the button while in robot mode, the voice saying" SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3 Separate Mode!" and a separation sound effect will play and the robot will switch to separate mode.

There are some special topics about this separate mode...
Amazingly, you can keep the Head Fighter's "floating sound" playing and play the "attack sound" at any time you like!

It's hard to understand from the text, so I've illustrated it to give an idea.

The key point is that "the floating sound does not stop even when the attack sound is played." To achieve this, we have adopted an IC with higher specs than usual that can play two sounds simultaneously.

King Joe 's "separate floating sound" was very impressive in the original Seven, so we wanted to incorporate this feature so that the gameplay could be as realistic as possible without destroying that atmosphere.

■Tank mode sound
If you press and hold the button while in separate mode, the game will transition to tank mode, triggered by the sound of" SC-3 / Special Airborne Armor Unit-3 Tank Mode!"

In this tank mode, pressing the button once will activate the "caterpillar running sound" which will continue to ring for a certain period of time.
If you press the button a second time, you will hear the sound of a simultaneous radio attack from all weapons. Just like in separate mode, if you press the button while the driving sound is playing, the sound will play on top of the sound without interruption!

If you press it a third time, the sound of the Pedanium Particle Cannon, the ultimate special move, will be heard.
The attack sound of the Pedanium Particle Cannon itself can be played in robot mode, but in tank mode it is a deluxe version that adds an "energy charging sound" to the beginning.

What do you think?
In reality, there are probably many aspects that make you think, "It seems pretty amazing, but I don't really get it!", but we hope you'll watch King Joe 's exploits in action, when he makes his first appearance on tomorrow's broadcast, and look forward to the release of the product!!!

●This week's short story●
This is a sneak peek image that was posted in last week's article. Did you understand it?

First of all, we chose hint images that were a little on the difficult side, but seeing everyone's reactions, we're grateful that they've caused a lot of buzz around them.
Not really as a thank you, but next time I'll show you some more in-depth images of the product under development!!

That's it!

Do you get the gist of it now? Well, what is the answer...?
It will finally be revealed in the next and final article!!

So that's it for this week's update!
Next week, we will skip a week and update on Friday, September 18th at 5:00 PM! Look forward to it!

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