Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: November 27, 2020

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman Z

Shines! Sounds! Sevenger Special Blog "【Order Deadline Nears!】Sevenger to feature 3 BGM songs from the movie!

Hello everyone.
My name is Nno, and I'm in charge of planning and developing Ultraman toys.

It's been a while, but today we bring you the latest information on the "Lights Up! Sounds Up! Special Air Unit No. 1 Sevenger," which is currently accepting pre-orders!
In the second half of the article, there will be a topic that will be revealed for the first time on this blog, so be sure to read until the end!!

★Special movie now available!
There were few events this year and we had almost no opportunity to show this product off during the pre-order period, so we have produced a special video to introduce the product!

We have condensed and summarized elements that are hard to visualize without watching a video, such as the way the eyes glow, the dialogue and sound effects, and the gimmick behind the hard-core iron fist bullets, so we hope you will take a look!

By the way!
The other day we received our first molding sample made using an actual mold, and the hard-core iron fist bullet gimmick has a greater flight distance than expected, and it looks like it will be able to fly with even more force than the stereolithography output sample used in this video!

★Thank you for your great response! Sevenger 's gratitude
Now, there is another campaign(?) that was announced on Twitter at the same time as this video.

In response to the overwhelming response to this product, and to further satisfy customers who have purchased it (and to make it even more appealing to customers who are undecided about purchasing), we are going to improve the product specifications as much as possible! This is the plan.
We're calling it" Sevenger 's Repayment of Favor"!

Sevenger, beloved by everyone as the poster character of "Z", has three gifts for us...

1. Additional character voice recording for Commander of the Storage Team, Hebikura Shota!
We had originally announced that this product would include "Haruki", "Yohko", "AI voice", and "Sevenger own sound effects"!
And now, it has been decided that our very own Jagras...I mean, Captain Hebikura will be joining the battle!

You might be thinking, "Captain Hebikura has never ridden Sevenger..."

Yes, I'm not riding it!

However, I think there was a scene in the movie where operational instructions and evacuation orders were given from the base to Haruki and Yoko while they were aboard Sevenger.
This time, we have recreated that "communication" element, and have incorporated it into a gimmick whereby when playing in Haruki mode or Yoko mode, certain operations will play Hebikura's command voice.

For example, after the sound of damage being caused by an attack on Sevenger is played, a line is played saying, "It's too dangerous, retreat!"

I won't suddenly shout "I'll borrow the power of darkness!" at a completely unrelated moment... so please be careful... (laughs)
(There are many lines along those lines in "Dark Z Riser"!)

②The total number of lines and sound effects has been increased by more than 150% from the original plan!
On the product pre-order page, the total number of character voices and sound effects was stated to be "over 50 sounds in total." However, due to the additional voices for Hebikura and the new recordings for Haruki, Yoko, and the AI, the final total number of sounds has ballooned to "over 75 sounds"...!
This product is, after all, a "Sevenger figure," so we think of the sound as an added bonus, but still, "bigger is better!", so we're continuing development by cramming in plenty of sound features.
With that in mind, we would like to reiterate that, as we mentioned in a previous blog, the concept of this product is "lines that would sound natural coming from Sevenger", so the focus is on "lines that would be uttered while piloting" such as shouts like "Uroyaa!" and "Take this!"

To compensate for this, we have put in a lot of effort to ensure that you can experience the atmosphere of the actual movie.
To use the earlier shout of "Uryaah!" as an example, rather than just playing Haruki's voice alone, we mixed together small sound effects such as the sound of Sevenger moving, its footsteps, and collisions to create one sound.

"Crash, crash... (footsteps)" ⇒ "Uryaah! (dialogue)" ⇒ "Bang! (sound of stomping)" ⇒ "Bang! (sound of throwing an enemy)" ⇒ "Bang, clang!!! (sound of rubble collapsing)"

In this way, various sound effects and lines are played together, so that even a single shout can give the feeling of a "story."

...As I was working on the specifications, I got greedy and said, "I want this sound," and "I want this line," and the total number of voices increased. lol
We will be introducing specific audio samples on Twitter in due course, so please check it out!

3) Recording of in-game background music!
Our last topic will be revealed for the first time on this blog!
Not content with just dialogue, it has been decided that the background music for the movie will also be recorded!!

As of now, there is no soundtrack released for "Ultraman Z," so the inclusion of the famous musical scores that adorn the film is something very special.
And it's not just one song, it's two... no, it's three!
Details of the three songs are as follows. Since the soundtrack has not yet been released, the episode and scene in which each song was played are also listed.
If you are interested, please check it out.

The first song, "M24"...This is more of a Storage theme song type of background music than a battle background music.
A typical example of its use is the scene at the beginning of episode 2, "A Warrior's Mindset," when Sevenger launches into battle.
Sevenger itself comes with the sound effects actually used in the sortie scene, such as the "gate opening sound" and "lift rising sound," as well as the AI voices "Force gate open!" and "Cleared for take off!", so playing the dialogue with this song in the background will get your adrenaline pumping.

The second song is "M25"...This is the background music that is often heard during the operational scenes of special aircraft such as Sevenger and Windom, as well as Storage members.
Not only is it a song that is used frequently in the drama, but the deciding factor for its selection was that it was played during the scene in episode 1, "Let's all chant my name together!", where Sevenger (piloted by Haruki) and Z fight together.

The third song is "M26"...Would it be easier to understand if I called it the "Storage version of Wandaba"?
This song was used at the beginning of episode 3, "Live Broadcast! Monster Transport Mission," in the scene where Gigas fights Sevenger.
In terms of how frequently it appears in the story, there were many other attractive background musics so it was difficult to choose, but I thought "When you think of the Defense Force, you think of Wandaba.... If Wandaba is included, I definitely want to include it!" and chose it as the third song.
This is an arrangement of M25, but the tempo is faster, creating the feeling that Sevenger is fighting with the upper hand, which gets you excited!

So, the specifications of the "Lights up! Sounds! Special Air Unit No. 1 Sevenger" have been further improved.
How about it? Pre-orders for this product will close soon at 11pm on Monday, November 30th.

Tomorrow's 22nd episode will feature Sevenger 's new exploits (?), so be sure to check out the main story and this blog again, and don't forget to reserve!
So that's it for today's update.

Until the end Thank you for reading!


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