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BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Last updated: October 25, 2021

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Blog vol. 41 Today is the deadline for preorders! Z Key Set Development Progress Report

Hello everyone, this is Nno, in charge of planning and development Ultraman toys.

It's already the end of October, but this month has brought a lot of new information related to Ultraman...
・New Galaxy Fight game announced
・Pre-orders for the DX "Ancient Spark Lens" have begun
・ Glitter Trigger Eternity appears
・ Ultraman Ribut joins "Trigger"
・Nurse Dessey Battle Mode Information Released
And so on... it was an exciting time!

I wanted to introduce them thoroughly on the blog, but I've been so busy finishing the products and preparing for the items that will be announced in the future that I haven't had the time...
(On the other hand, this means there are still many more Trigger-related items to be discovered!)
However, since the "DX Nurse Dessey" will be released this week, I'd like to post a series of articles about various items as part of a blog strengthening week!

In this article, we will summarize the latest information on the "DX Guts Hyper Key Premium Ultraman Z Key Set," for which pre-orders on PREMIUM BANDAI will close at 11pm today.

As for the progress of development of this product, the internal program was completed the other day, and we are currently mass-producing the ICs.
I have already gone into great detail about the audio content in a previous article, so please take a look at that for more details, but as predicted, this is the best play value in the Guts Hyper Key series history!
I'd like to share with you some of the reactions I received after pre-orders began, as well as some points I wasn't able to cover in my last article...

●It's so exciting that all of Z's theme songs are included!
This is the first time in the Guts Hyper Key series that each key comes with its own background music track.

Costing just 1,000 yen per copy, the fact that it comes with a TV-sized audio file with vocals on it feels quite luxurious, but the best part about playing it is being able to layer the Z shouts and skill sound effects on top of the background music.

The key point is that you can "overlay sound effects at any timing over the BGM," so you can play in a way that truly matches the images in the movie, by matching the excitement of the song with a defensive move during the A-melody, a medium to heavy move during the B-melody, a Zestium ray at the climax of the chorus, and a flying sound during the ending.
This is demonstrated using Alpha Edge Keys in the already released "Banmani!" video, so if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check it out.

● The chants are surprisingly luxurious
Each of the four keys has four or five built-in calls of each type.
Yes, in fact, each type of Z has a slightly different call. There are many Z toys, but I feel that this set is the only one that covers all the calls of each type and has multiple patterns of calls.
With the aim of creating a "sound version of Ultraman Z Super Complete Collection," we have included the sounds of each type of technique, color timer sounds, and even flight sounds.

A quiet revolution in gunfire sounds
When the Guts Hyper Key DX Guts Spark Lens is set to Hyper Gun Mode, it emits the sound of gunfire, whereas the previous Guts Hyper Key only had a variation of "one sound per key."
However, the Beta Smash Key and Delta Rise Cloaky included in this set come equipped with multiple sounds that correspond to the weapons depicted on them.

In other words
- When using the Beta Smash Key with the image of a Z Lance Arrow held up, the two gunfire sounds of "Z Ice Arrow" and "Z Lance Fire" will play alternately.
・The Deltarise Cloaky with the image of a Belialok being held up plays the three gunfire sounds of "Death Claw," "Death Fang," and "Death Slash" in sequence.
The image is something like this.

As an aside, ideas for these added elements often come up during the actual development process rather than at the proposal stage (i.e. before the product is commercialized).
When you receive a PREMIUM BANDAI limited edition product, you may find that it has more features than you expected! This is often the case because of a trick like this...

Speaking of similar "small smile-inducing elements," the "Osu!" and "Ultraman Z!" sounds that automatically play during Haruki's voice-over transformation mode are the same lines on paper, but the way they are pronounced in the movie is different, so the audio was recorded from four separate transformation scenes.

●Luxurious dialogue audio
This set contains lines from four characters: Haruki, Zett, Kengo, and Akito. After considering various patterns, we decided not to have one character's line per key, but to divide the lines into four and distribute them among the keys.
In other words, each key contains lines from multiple characters.

Regarding the total number of lines, the order page states that there are "over 30" in total, but in the end it ended up exceeding expectations once again, making it a massive 50 lines in total.

Among the reactions from everyone, we saw some people asking, "Why do you include Kengo and Akito's lines even though it's a Z Key?" This is because we decided that Kengo and Akito's lines were essential to highlight the interaction between Z and Haruki.
Which lines are from which stories will be included... we'll have to wait until it arrives to find out, but at the very least, it doesn't feel abrupt, like when Kengo's voice sings "A ray of hope that will build the future!", even though it's a Delta-rise Cloakie.
I would be happy if you could imagine the lines focusing on "Zett" and "Haruki" as the core, with co-stars Kengo and Akito adding a touch of glamour to the story.

*That said, of course, I don't intend to neglect Kengo and the other trigger characters!
The already-announced "DX Ancient Spark Lens" includes lines from Kengo, and we are also currently considering plans for other characters.
Please look forward to this as well.

●Luxurious packaging
In response to the positive reception of preorders, the packaging has been designed with a luxurious sleeve and window.
The good thing about the sleeve is that it allows all the necessary information about the product to be contained within it, allowing the window packaging inside to have a very simple design.

Therefore, we decided to design the packaging so that its unique Z-like feel is front and center.
As with the "Tiga Key Set," the blister pack has a space where already-released "original keys" can be set, allowing collectors to store them all together in a "Z-tied" fashion.

The packaging is a rather costly element, so the specifications are a little too extravagant, but we would like to continue doing our best as long as it is well received.

So, that was the final introduction of the "DX Guts Hyper Key Premium Ultraman Z Key Set."
Personally, the product I've been in charge of that has the most successful sound gimmick so far is "Lights Up! Sounds! Sevenger," but I'm confident that this set will surpass it in terms of cost performance!
(...So what? Well, it's my top pick!)

We are grateful for the current reservation situation as we have received an overwhelming response, and once the planned number is reached, the event may end early, so if you are unsure, please apply now!


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