Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: June 1, 2022


Tell us your "BANDAI toy memories"! Social media posting campaign has started!

This campaign ended at 23:59 on Sunday, June 12, 2022.
Thank you for all your applications!

The Tokyo Toy Show 2022 will be held on Thursday, June 16th and Friday, June 17th, 2022.
BANDAI ・BANDAI SPIRITS has released a teaser page for the Tokyo Toy Show Special Site that you can enjoy on the web today!
A variety of content will be available at the official grand opening on Thursday, June 16th.

Tokyo Toy Show 2022/ BANDAI ・Click here for BANDAI SPIRITS SPECIAL SITE

Tokyo Toy Show 2022 / BANDAI ・The theme of the BANDAI SPIRITS booth is "HISTORY and FUTURE".
So, ahead of the release of the special Toy Show website, we are looking for posts on social media about your memories (history) of BANDAI!

Follow the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department accounts on Twitter and Instagram and post photos and stories of your favorite BANDAI toys with the hashtag "BANDAI."

Five people who submit entries will be randomly selected to win a "Tokyo Toy Show BANDAI Toy Assortment," including the latest toys to be released in July 2022!
In addition, the submitted posts will be introduced ♪ on the BANDAI ・BANDAI SPIRITS Tokyo Toy Show Special Site
*We cannot guarantee that all submitted submissions will be published on the special site. Also, winning submissions will not be published.

The deadline for applications is 23:59 on Sunday, June 12, 2022. We look forward to receiving your enthusiastic submissions!

Implementation overview

Follow the official "BANDAI Toys Promotion Department" Twitter account (@bandai_toys) or the official "BANDAI Toys Promotion Department" Instagram account (@bandai.toys) and post a story or photo of your favorite BANDAI toy with the hashtag "BANDAI Toys Memories." Five lucky winners will be entered into a drawing to win a "Tokyo Toy Show BANDAI Toy Assortment."

Application method

Follow BANDAI Toys Promotion Department on Twitter or Instagram.

[Twitter] Follow BANDAI Toys Promotion Department [Instagram] Follow BANDAI Toys Promotion Department

Please post stories and photos of your memories involving BANDAI toys with the hashtag "BANDAI".
You can post about memories of playing at a friend's house, or seeing it at an event with your grandparents, etc.
*The content of your post does not have to be about memories of the purchased product.
*If you wish to post a photo that includes anyone other than yourself, please make sure you have the other person's permission before posting.

*If you are already following the official account of "BANDAI Toy Promotion Department", you can apply only in STEP 2.
*You may submit multiple times, but even if you submit multiple times, your application will only be treated as one entry per account.

<Example post>

Post content and images that may be ineligible
- Content that does not fit the theme
- Content that includes personal information (such as name or address)
- Items that contain or include unrelated characters or merchandise, or copyrighted material such as characters owned by a third party.
- Contains content intended to communicate with other people (such as other people's usernames)
- Use photos or videos of others (friends, celebrities, etc.) without permission, violating their portrait rights
- Products from other companies are clearly visible in the photo
・Images using edited or modified products
- Any other content that does not conform to the intent of the campaign.

*For other Precaution regarding submissions, please check the campaign application terms and conditions.
*When taking and posting photos, please turn off the GPS function before taking the photo.

Your application is complete.
Winners will be notified by direct message on Twitter or Instagram from the official BANDAI Toys Promotion Department account.


Including the latest toys to be released in July 2022
"Tokyo Toy Show BANDAI Toy Assortment": 5 winners

*You cannot choose the contents of the toys.
*Includes products for ages 6 and up.
*This is the total number of people on Twitter and Instagram.

Implementation period

June 1, 2022 (Wed) - June 12, 2022 (Sun) 23:59

Winner announcement

Winners will be notified via direct message by Tuesday, June 21, 2022.
*If you have your direct messages blocked, we will not be able to contact you if you win, so you will not be eligible to apply.
*Please note that if you unfollow BANDAI Toys Publicity Department official account after the end of this campaign, we will not be able to send you a direct message announcing your win.
*The campaign content and schedule are subject to change.
*Prizes will only be delivered to addresses within Japan.

*For other Precaution, please check the application terms and conditions.

Application conditions

- People who live in Japan (people whose product shipping address is in Japan)
・Age 13 and over
・Those who agree to the application requirements and terms of this campaign
- Those who have a Twitter account or an Instagram account and follow the official "BANDAI Toys Promotion Department" account (Twitter (@bandai_toys) or Instagram (@bandai.toys)) with the SNS account that posted

Posting on the official website

Please note that the posted contents, photos, and account names will be published on the Tokyo Toy Show 2022 BANDAI ・BANDAI SPRITS special site.
*If we use the submitted data of your entry, we will cite the submitted data from Twitter/Instagram and use it.
*We cannot guarantee that all submitted submissions will be published on the special site. Also, winning submissions will not be published.

Campaign application terms
Before applying for the "BANDAI" (When applying for Bandai Co., Ltd.’s (here in after referred to as “our Company”)), please carefully read the campaign details and Precaution below.

If you apply for this campaign, you will be deemed to have agreed to these application terms and conditions, and you will not raise any objections regarding these application terms or the management method of this campaign.
In addition, if you are a minor, please apply with your guardian's consent.
In addition, winners of this campaign will be required to register for the "BANDAI NAMCO ID" service in order to receive their prize.

■Campaign overview
<Campaign name>
BANDAI Toy Memories Posting Campaign

<Application period>
June 1, 2022 (Wed) - June 12, 2022 (Sun) 23:59

Tokyo Toy Show BANDAI Toy Assortment: 5 winners in total will be chosen by lottery
(Including products for ages 6 and up)
*You cannot choose the contents of the toys.
*Please check the target age before applying.

<Winner Announcement Method>
Winners will be notified via direct message by Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

< Application conditions >
- People who live in Japan (people whose product shipping address is in Japan)
・Age 13 and over
・Those who agree to the application requirements and application terms of this campaign
- Those who have a Twitter account or Instagram account and follow the official "BANDAI Toys Promotion Department" account (Twitter (@bandai_toys) or Instagram (@bandai.toys)) with the SNS account that posted

<Prize shipping date>
Delivery is scheduled for late July 2022 or later.
Please note that we cannot answer inquiries regarding the lottery status or shipping schedule. The schedule may change depending on the shipping situation.
Prizes will only be delivered to addresses within Japan.

<About the submission content (entry works)>
・If the content of your submission (hereinafter referred to as the "Submitted Work") falls under or is likely to fall under any of the following items, it will be disqualified from the lottery, and if this becomes apparent after you have been selected, your winning rights will be revoked.
-If the application guidelines and application terms are not followed
-Contains content that infringes or may infringe on the rights of third parties, such as copyrights, trademark rights, privacy rights, portrait rights, reputation, etc.
-Contains false content that is contrary to the facts.
- Matters related to the privacy of others, or information that can identify an individual such as another person's name, email address, address, telephone number, etc.
-Contains advertisements/promotions, sales activities, public office election campaigns, solicitation to a specific ideology or religion, or similar content.
-Contains pornographic novels/photos, solicitations for sexual intercourse, or other obscene content.
-Contains content that induces and promotes extreme violence, cruelty, or crime against children and young people, and obstructs their healthy development.
-If it contains inappropriate expressions such as slander, complaints, discrimination, or hatred towards specific corporations, organizations, regions, or individuals.
-Contains grotesque content.
-Contains content that violates or may violate laws or public order and morals.
-Any other content or expression that our company considers to be inappropriate in relation to the operation of this campaign.

*In the unlikely event that a dispute arises with a third party as a result of the submitted work, the entrant shall resolve it at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall compensate our company or other third parties for any damages incurred as a result.
*Submitted works and account names will be posted on our website as part of our public relations and advertising activities. Applicants will not be notified in advance of posting, and no publishing or usage fees will be charged to applicants for the content they post. Furthermore, if we determine that the submitted work contains inappropriate content, we may modify the content before posting it. Even in this case, applicants agree not to raise any objections to our company.
*If you wish to use a photo in your submission, please make sure to turn off the GPS function when taking the photo.
*If we use the submitted data of your entry, we will quote it from the Twitter/Instagram post data.
*This campaign can be submitted via the website (PC) or smartphone. Applications submitted by any method other than the specified method (by mail, etc.) will not be accepted.
Please note that some devices and PC environments may not be able to use this service.
* Customers are responsible for communication fees, connection fees, packet communication fees, etc., incurred via mobile phone or computer. If you are sending large images or videos, communication fees may be high, so we recommend that you use a flat-rate plan.

- Applications cannot be made by multiple people sharing one account.
・Please do not delete the hashtag BANDAI from your entry post for this campaign. If you delete the hashtag, you will not be eligible to win.
- If your account is set to private or you have set it to not receive direct messages, you will not be eligible to win as we will not be able to contact you about your win.
-Please note that if you unfollow the Twitter account "@bandai_toys" or the Instagram account "@bandai.toys" after the end of this campaign, we will not be able to send you a direct message announcing your win.
・You may submit multiple times, but even if you submit multiple times, your application will only be treated as one entry.
・In order to deliver the prize, the winner will need to register as a member of BANDAI Namco ID. Please note that if you do not enter the correct prize delivery information, your right may be invalidated even if you win.
- If the specified procedures are not completed by the deadline notified to the winners, their winning rights will be forfeited.
- Please note that if you have not provided your address, name, and other information correctly, if your address has changed due to moving, or if the prize cannot be delivered due to an unknown address, your rights may be invalidated even if you have won.
・If maintenance or a malfunction occurs in the services provided by Twitter/Instagram, which makes it impossible to log in to Twitter/Instagram or post, you may not be able to apply for this campaign.
- If you apply for this campaign using multiple accounts, if you apply using someone else's Twitter/Instagram account, or if you fraudulently use a third party's Twitter/Instagram account information or other personal information, your winning rights will be forfeited.
- If you violate the terms of use of the Twitter service provided by Twitter, Inc. or the Instagram service provided by Meta Platforms, Inc., you will lose your right to win.
・If you are a minor, you must obtain your guardian's consent before applying for this campaign.
Please note that if there are any false or incorrect information in BANDAI NAMCO ID or registration data for this campaign, or if we otherwise deem your participation in this campaign to be fraudulent (including cases that violate the "Content of Posts"), your registration for this campaign may be invalidated and your winnings may be revoked.
・The content, schedule, prize specifications, etc. of this campaign are subject to change without notice.
- We cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to the prize after it has been received.
- The design and specifications of the prizes may change without notice.
・Prizes cannot be resold or transferred to a third party.
- Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any issues that arise from reselling or transferring the prize after you have received it.
-This campaign is not provided or sponsored by Twitter, Inc. or Meta Platforms, Inc.

 <About personal information>
*The personal information you provide to register to your BANDAI Namco ID after winning will be used to send you prizes, contact you about this campaign, and send you email newsletters about this campaign and our products and services.
*The personal information you enter when you win will be kept strictly managed in accordance with our "Personal Information Protection Policy" separately established by our company.
*For requests or inquiries regarding disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information, please refer to our personal information protection policy and handling regulations.

<About inquiries>
BANDAI TOYS Contact Page

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