Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: June 24, 2021

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Blog vol.32 "The toy that inherits the light! DX Guts Spark Lens"

Hello everyone. I'm Nono, in charge of Ultraman toy development.

It's been a while since our last update, but over the past few months we've been engrossed in the development of trigger toys at a furious pace, and already it's already the second half of June!
We are getting close to being able to deliver new products to you all soon!

For "Ultraman Trigger," I was primarily in charge of developing the NARIKIRI items, and I believe that both the transformation item "DX Guts Spark Lens" and the key item "DX Guts Hyper Key" are simple yet addictive items that are full of fun!
We hope to use this blog to share the appeal of the product directly from our staff until its release, so please stay tuned.

In the first episode, we will be looking at the "DX Guts Spark Lens" and introducing five key points about how it can be used in conjunction with the "Guts Hyper Key Series."

[Point 1: Two-mode transformation that condenses the worldview of Tiga]
The transformation item in this game is the "DX Guts Spark Lens."
The biggest attraction is the 2-way transformation gimmick that allows the squad gun to become a transformation item!

From the "Hyper Gun" mode, which is the basic equipment of the defense force and Guts Select members of this work

Transform the upper part of the gun barrel to transform into the "Spark Lens" mode!

There are two modes, each with a completely different silhouette, allowing you to enjoy different ways of playing.

The origin of this gimmick is, of course, the original "Ultraman Tiga"
"Spark Lens" and "Guts Hyper Gun".

These two items were a huge hit when "Tiga" was broadcast, and I believe they are toys filled with irreplaceable memories for the children of that time.
The concept behind paying homage to these two items and launching them as an item for a new era was the "fusion of Hyper Gun and Spark Lens"!

Whether it's the Ultra Z Riser or the Taiga Spark, Ultraman 's transformation items are mostly mysterious items created using unknown technology, and there are only a handful that have a specific motif.
However, this time the Guts Spark Lens is "made by the Defense Force (Guts Select)", so the incredible gimmick of the gun equipped by the Defense Force members (Hyper Gun) = Ultraman 's transformation item (Spark Lens) works within the world view!

There are some speculations like, "If he transforms using Guts Select equipment, does that mean his transformation identity is obvious from the beginning?" But what role will he play in the story? Look forward to the broadcast of the main story!

[Point 2: The number of keys changes the shooting! Hyper Gun Mode!]
Now, let's take a look at the appearance and gimmicks of each mode.

First up is the "Hyper Gun Mode," the basic form carried by Guts Select members.

At first glance, the form appears mechanical and inorganic, but the clear yellow light shining through the central window and the gold lines with embossed texture also express a sense of mystery that leads to a sparkling lens.

One thing I'd like you to pay particular attention to is the brightly shining circular part at the top of the grip.

The construction of this part took a surprisingly lot of time and effort, with the reverse side of the dome-shaped, semi-three-dimensional part being painted in layers of clear blue and then silver to create a metallic color with a strong presence.

Next, let's talk about the sound gimmick.
First, when you pull the trigger without the key being loaded, the standard gunfire sound "Bam! Bang!" will be heard.

There is a Guts Hyper Key insertion slot on the bottom of the gun grip...

By inserting the Guts Hyper Key here, you can perform special gunfire attacks that incorporate the key's abilities. In other words, the gunfire sound will change depending on the key you insert!

For example, the "Ultraman Trigger Multi-Type Key" that comes with the DX Guts Spark Lens has the following features:
It is a gun that can fire the multi-type special move "Zepellion Ray."

Sold separately" Ultraman Trigger Power Type Key" can be used to transform it into a gun that can fire the "Delacium Light Stream."

In addition, "SG Guts Hyper Key" will be on sale in the sweets section,
It is also fully compatible with the monster keys in the Gashapon "GP Guts Hyper Key" lineup!

- In Gomoraki, there is a "Shockwave Bullet" that contains the power of super vibration waves.
-Eleking Key uses "Thunder Bullet" that is imbued with the power of electricity
・ Windom Key has a "Fire Fist Bullet" that contains the power of Yoko Impact.
In this way, you can play different gun games with each key!
The more you collect, the more you can play with it!

Please check below for Product Information on "SG Guts Hyper Key 01".

(These Kaiju Keys are the type that do not make any sound from the keys themselves, so the gunfire sounds come from the DX Guts Spark Lens.)

As an aside, this gimmick of "changing the gun's abilities depending on the key" is also an homage to the "Guts Hyper" setting in Tiga.

The Guts Hyper had a gimmick where you could replace the cartridge bullets, but the DX Guts Spark Lens has been changed to the image of inserting a gun magazine, with the action of loading from the bottom of the grip.

When you line them up, you can see that the guns and cartridges are the same size! (It wasn't intentional, so even I was surprised.)

With the emphasis on the fact that it is a gun, one subtle point that was paid special attention to is that when you press the unlock button on the grip, the key is released by its own weight.

When you hear that, doesn't the shape of the key start to look a bit like a magazine...?

[Point 3: The double sound of key and sparklens roars! Sparklens mode]
Now let us introduce you to Spark Lens Mode.

Grab the Hyper Gun Mode barrel and spread it out in an arc...

The wings unfold and it transforms into Spark Lens Mode!

The transformation mechanism itself is quite simple, but we put a lot of effort into creating the "feel" that only manual transformation can provide, and the "clank, clank!" sound you get when you open the barrel is achieved by fine-tuning the structure of the molded part itself and the strength of the spring, creating a feel that makes you want to play over and over again.
There is no unlock button for this deployment operation, so it's easy to operate with a flick of the wrist!

Returning to the sequence, as it transforms into Spark Lens Mode, the crystal in the center shines brilliantly and the transformation standby sound begins!

There's something special about this transformation standby sound!
This item has a built-in audio unit on both sides of the DX Guts Spark Lens and the DX Guts Hyper Key, but the sound that comes out from the DX Guts Spark Lens is actually "Standby tone A"" will be played from the DX Guts Hyper Key side. "Standby tone B"Two types of voices interact That's it!

The standby sounds that come from the DX Guts Spark Lens can be broadly divided into five patterns:
The standby sound that plays from the DX Guts Hyper Keys is different for each key(!), so
You can enjoy completely different transformation sequences for each key you set.

To ensure that the two melodies can be heard at the same volume, the speakers on the Guts Spark Lens and Guts Hyper Key are designed to face the same direction, resulting in a heavy standby sound that sounds just like a stereo speaker!
(This is just my personal preference, but I think the sound quality of this item is pretty good.)

[Point 4: Crystal light that shines in full color!]
That's a lot to say about the standby sound, but if you hold the Spark Lens up to the sky and pull the trigger, your transformation into Ultraman will be complete!

The DX Guts Spark Lens activates a light effect, and the DX Guts Hyper Key plays the transformation melody.
While you can enjoy the incredibly cool transformation melody, composed by Tsuyoshi Sakabe, who also composed the soundtrack, on the actual machine, what we want you to pay attention to is the glow of the crystal!
The light from the diamond-shaped part that resembles a color timer is simply incredibly beautiful.

This crystal part is made up of two clear parts sandwiched between two outer parts.
The transparent part is see-through from front to back, so when it is illuminated it is impossible to tell at a glance where the light is coming from!

The way it works is that an LED is installed underneath the base of the crystal, right around the clear blue circular part, but due to the design it is in a position that is completely out of sight, so it feels really mysterious when you touch it for the first time.

The LED is full color, so it will light up differently depending on the key you set it to!

(The specifications state that it will emit light in nine colors: white, red, orange, pink, purple, light blue, blue, yellow, and green. So colorful!)

[Point 5: It's fun even after transformation! Links with Guts Hyper Key]
Once the transformation melody has finished playing, the robot will enter the "transformation complete state," and if you operate the trigger after that, various sound effects reminiscent of battle scenes will be activated.

In the case of the included "Ultraman Trigger Multi-Type Key"
①Hand slash light ray sound
②Circle Arms summoning sound
③Zepellion ray sound
Each time you pull the trigger, three different sounds will play from the key in sequence.
(Of course, the variations in sound also differ depending on the type of key!)
In order to make the most of the benefit of this collection item being able to make sound, we packed it full of all kinds of different sounds...

By the way, if you use the "SG" or "GP" monster keys that don't make any sound by themselves, the monster's cry will be played from the Guts Spark Lens. This is also pretty fun!

There's still a lot I want to say about playing with sounds on keys, but this is getting long so I'll save the rest for the next update!

Until now, the specific specifications of the "DX Guts Spark Lens" have been kept secret, but are you excited about it?

There are two weeks left until the release, so we hope you will get your copy on the release date, Saturday, July 10th, and enjoy it along with the program.

The DX Guts Spark Lens will be released on Saturday, July 10th at a manufacturer's suggested retail price of 6,050 yen (tax included)!

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