Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: July 1, 2021

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Blog vol. 33 "The Myth of the Key (Part 1): Tiga Multi-Type Key, Pre-release!"

Hello everyone, this is Nno, in charge of Ultraman toy development.

Following on from the previous article reviewing the "DX Guts Spark Lens",
This time we'll be introducing the "DX Guts Hyper Key", an important item that is literally the "key" to transformation!

In this "Part 1" we will be reviewing the "DX Guts Hyper Key Ultraman Tiga Multi Type Key," which will be released this weekend on Saturday, July 3rd, ahead of the start of the program.

There is some unreleased new information (!) at the end of the article so don't miss it!!

[Topic 1: Ultraman Tiga Multi-Type Key on sale this Saturday the 3rd!]

"Ultraman Trigger" will begin airing next week on Saturday, July 10th, but the toys will be available a little earlier than that!!
Following on from the soft vinyl Trigger Multi Type & Carmilla, the next release will be...


"DX Guts Hyper Key Ultraman Tiga Multi-Type Key"!!

So, the Guts Hyper Key from "Tiga," which can be said to be the roots of Trigger, will be released as the 0th item in the series!

This is truly a trial version of Guts Hyper Key, and we've included a lot so that you can experience the charm of the series with just this one. Let's take a look.

[Topic 2: The secret of key design]

Let's start with the appearance. The product is packaged in a blister pack that allows you to see the key clearly.

In the toy section, look for the purple packaging and Tiga's majestic figure!

After removing the contents, the three sides of the key look like this.

It has a rounded silhouette reminiscent of a smart key, and the combination of the solid color on the outside and the clear parts in the center gives it the feel of a gadget or device.

Our focus in design was on making it "fit comfortably in the hand," and we want you to try it out for yourself and experience how comfortable it is to hold in your hand...!

The front sticker is metallic.

The design of this sticker is "stained glass style".

Without the sticker on it, it has a strong smart device feel, but adding the stained glass-style sticker gives it a more mystical impression.

By the way, have you noticed that the illustrations for each key are of the character posing to activate a skill associated with that character?
The DX Ultraman keys are mainly poses using beam techniques, while the monster keys available as candy toys and Gashapon have a wide variety of poses for each character, which is fun.

Isn't it a little emotional that the Tiga and Trigger keys are in the exact same composition due to the restriction on skill poses?

In the upper right corner, the numbering is displayed, and the Ultraman key is displayed as "U-** (Ultraman)" and the monster key is displayed as "M-** (Monster)".


[Topic 3: The transformation sound can be heard even when used alone! Sound play with the keys alone]

Next, we'll introduce the key sound gimmick.
A test battery is included, so you can start playing with the sound as soon as you remove the insulating sheet on the back of the unit.

Press the button on the top left to activate the startup sound!

"Cuuuuuuuuuute! Ultraman Tiga! Multi-type!"
A sound effect will ring out!

By the way, this Guts Hyper Key also has another mode so that you can listen to a lot of sounds even with just the key.
This is the "sound mode" that is activated by pressing and holding the button!

In this mode, you will hear ① Ultraman Tiga Multi-Type transformation sound, ② Tiga's shout (Shwaaaa!),
③ Zeperion ray sound, ④ Color timer sound (looped 10 times)!You can enjoy four types of sounds:

There are many collection items that have built-in sound, but there aren't many items that can produce such a wide variety of sounds on their own...!

As a developer, I wanted to incorporate as much fun as possible into this first sound-equipped collection item in the Ultraman series.

We designed it this way because we wanted people to use it as a sound unit that can be played with along with the soft vinyl figure.

This is completely off topic, but when I was a kid there was a product called "Ultra Battle Zone: Great Monster Battlefield."

The product features a diorama map that you can play with together with the soft vinyl figures, which plays sound effects such as the roars of Ultraman and monsters. The excitement of actually being able to play the sound effects that I had previously only filled in my head when playing with the soft vinyl figures was indescribable.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration to say that with this key, children today will be able to feel that same excitement...but there's no doubt that playing with the Tiga soft vinyl figure will be a blast!

[Topic 4: Expand your play with compatible items! Three types of linked play]

So far, we've been introducing how to play with each key individually, but the biggest attraction of the key is the "three linked play styles."

It works perfectly with the following three: ① DX Guts Spark Lens Hyper Gun Mode, ② DX Guts Spark Lens Spark Lens Mode, and ③ DX Circle Arms!

Of course, it's not just a matter of inserting a key. By incorporating a special switch mechanism into the key, we've achieved a gimmick where the sound changes depending on the item inserted.

The first, Hyper Gun mode, allows you to play gunplay while listening to the sound of the Zeperion ray.

In the second Spark Lens mode, you can play transformation games, and standby sounds and transformation melodies exclusive to the Tiga Multi Type Key will be played.

Also, after playing the transformation game, a sound effect will be played every time you pull the Spark Lens trigger, but the sound that is played this time has a different variation in audio content than the standalone sound mode.

It would be a little sad if the sound you can hear by itself is the sound you can hear with the transformation item...
Get both items and find out what sounds they make!

The third Circle Arms allows you to play with special moves!

We plan to explain in more detail about the audio link with Circle Arms at a later date, but here too, the audio has been programmed so that the "audio from the Guts Hyper Key" and the "audio from the Circle Arms" interact smoothly with each other.

The "Tiga Multi-Type Key" also has its own dedicated sound effects, so the more keys you collect, the more variety of special moves you can have!

So, through these four topics, we have introduced the sound play of the "DX Guts Hyper Key Ultraman Tiga Multi Type Key" and the Guts Hyper Key series.

I hope that you will feel even a little excited about the key product specifications.

The "DX Guts Hyper Key Ultraman Tiga Multi Type Key" will go on sale on Saturday, July 3rd at a manufacturer's suggested retail price of 1,100 yen (tax included).

[Bonus: Important notice!]


DX Guts Spark Lens release date (July 10th)

The release date for the DX Tiga Multi Type Key is earlier than the 3rd of July.

Much sooner than...

Something is happening on Friday, July 2nd!

More details will be revealed in the sequel, which will be released on the same day! Please look forward to it.

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