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Updated: September 10, 2021

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman Z

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Development Blog vol. 39 "Everything is Premium. The ultimate deluxe Z Key set is here!!"

Hello everyone. I'm Nono, in charge of Ultraman toy development.

This time, we will skip the introduction and announce the information ban today.
We will take a closer look at the product specifications for the "PREMIUM BANDAI Limited DX Guts Hyper Key Premium Ultraman Z Key Set."
This will be a long post, but please stay with us until the end!

What is "Premium"?

Now, have you noticed that the product names now have "Premium" at the end?

This is by no means just a decoration added because it is a PREMIUM BANDAI limited item.
This is the ultimate deluxe version that expands on the audio specifications from the existing keys and includes everything that is possible at this price range, making it the equivalent of a "MEMORIAL EDITION."

In the Ultraman series, all of the audio has traditionally been included in the transformation item, but this year the audio specifications can be expanded on the linked item, making this type of flexible development possible.

Due to the expanded specifications, the price per key has increased by 250 yen, but we are sure you will be pleased with this increase, so we will now summarize the appeal of this ``Premium'' key in five points.

Premium point 1: The number of modes per key is premium

Regarding play with the key alone, the previous "DX Guts Hyper Key" (hereafter referred to as the regular version) had two modes: ① Hyper Key Mode and ② Sound Mode.
In addition to this, the new "DX Guts Hyper Key Premium" (hereafter referred to as the Premium version) has doubled the number of modes by adding two new modes: ③ Transformation Play Mode with Dialogue and ④ Voice Mode.

The functions and features of each mode are as follows.
"Hyper Key Mode": A mode that specializes in recreating NARIKIRI the movie, and plays the same startup sound as in the movie.
"Sound mode": A mode in which sound effects such as transformation sequences and color timers can be played by pressing a single key.
"Transformation play mode with dialogue"- I'll explain this in more detail later, but it's like the Hyper Key Mode with Haruki's lines added to it, and is positioned as a mode that pursues the fun of "recreating scenes from the show" rather than "becoming yourself."
"Voice Mode" is a mode that allows you to play lines from the series for four characters: "Ultraman Z," "Haruki Natsukawa," "Kengo Manaka," and "Akito Hijiri."

In addition, since the lines from the main story of "Z" have already been included in an overwhelming volume in the "Ultra Z Riser MEMORIAL EDITION," this time the content focuses on the lines from his guest appearance in "Trigger."
We've picked out scenes that are packed with the charm of the competition episodes, as well as the hilarious transformation scenes that have been dubbed "Inner Space Skits" on social media.
As a result, there are a total of over 30 lines in four keys, which is quite a lot.

Premium Point 2: Additional songs are premium

The Premium version includes a background music function, a first for the Guts Hyper Key series, and each key in this product comes with one theme song related to "Ultraman Z."

Since "Ultra Z Riser MEMORIAL EDITION" included many of the background music from the main story, this time we have differentiated it by including only theme songs, and have included four songs: the opening theme for the main story, two ending songs from the first and second semesters, and the opening theme for "Chronicle Z."
Other than the opening theme, "Please chant my name together!", there is no overlap with the "MEMORIAL EDITION," so I think there is something to be enjoyed that is unique to this set.

Premium point 3: The amount of recorded sound effects is premium

The built-in sounds of the "Sound Mode," which at first glance appear unchanged, and the "skill sound effects" that play after transforming with the DX Guts Spark Lens have been overwhelmingly increased.
The sound effects included in the regular version basically consist of "transformation sounds, two types of shouts, two types of skill sound effects, color timer sounds, and flight sounds" (which is actually quite a lot to begin with!), but the Premium version has significantly increased the number of sound effects, adding "transformation sounds, theme song, more than four types of shouts, five types of skill sound effects, color timer sounds, and flight sounds."

The skill sound effects that we put particular emphasis on and are scheduled to include are listed below.

This is also an area that we weren't able to fully address in the MEMORIAL version of Z Riser, so we're going all out and trying to include most of the main moves.
The sound effects for each technique are recorded from the actual sound source used in the main "Z" series, and for techniques in which Z and Haruki shout out the names of their characters, the shouts have been layered as much as possible.
For example, in the "Original Key" that has already been released, the sound of the Zestium ray is not overlapped with the line "Zestium ray!", but in the case of the "Alpha Edge Key", the sound of the ray is played after the two characters exchange "Zestium ray!"

It took me easily one or two months to select and edit this audio data, so it's the part I'm personally most attached to...
I hope you enjoy it.

Premium Point 4: The transformation mode with dialogue is super premium

Next, I will add some details about the aforementioned "③ Transformation mode with dialogue."
The dialogue-filled transformation mode is based on the "Hyper Key Mode" with Haruki's lines added, so its true value is revealed when used in conjunction with the "DX Guts Spark Lens".

Insert the key into Guts Spark Lens' Hyper Gun Mode to transform it into Spark Lens Mode...

The sound of Z's special Hero's Gate opening (= the start-up sound of the Z Riser) will play from the Guts Spark Lens, while the key will say, "Space martial arts, a secret miracle!" (※)
(*) If you want to play directly in Spark Lens Mode without going through Hyper Gun Mode, you can press the button on the key once more before inserting it to play the "Space Martial Arts, a Secret Miracle!" line first. Inthat case, the opening line will not be played during the transformation sequence (the same lines will not be played twice).

Next comes the standby sound, and the way the sound flows here is truly premium!

At the same time that the sound effect of Zett appearing plays from the Guts Spark Lens, Haruki's line "Osu!" plays from the key, and the standby melody exclusive to the Alpha Edge Key also plays at the same time.

Afterwards, Z's line, "Please chant my name, Ultraman Z!", is heard from the Guts Spark Lens side, and in response, Haruki shouts from the Key side, "Ultraman Z!"

After this, the Spark Lens and Key will continue to play the standby melody back and forth, so if you pull the trigger at any time, the transformation sound will play.

And at the same time as the transformation sound ends, the theme song starts. (It's like a BGM reservation function.) Every time you pull the trigger, you can layer skill sound effects and shouts over the theme song.

This "stacking" is a very premium point, and the key to this release is the incorporation of a "2ch output" mechanism.
The two-layer output has the theme song coming from one channel and the shouts and sound effects coming from the other, allowing you to play battle sounds that sound like the main story, with the theme song playing in the background.

The standby sound sequence in which sound is played from the Spark Lens is essentially a 3-channel specification (sound is played on 3 layers), which is something I have never experienced before in any development...
It's hard to fully understand unless you play with the actual machine, but this transformation game is incredibly fun.

Premium point 5: The package is premium

Finally, the packaging.
The "DX Guts Hyper Key Ultraman Tiga Key Set," for which preorders are now closed, has the same specifications, but it comes in a luxurious sleeve and window package.

As the design for the Z Key version has not been finalized yet, I will explain it using the Tiga Key set. All of the necessary labeling for the product is contained within the sleeve, and the inner packaging is designed to be displayed as is.

In addition, there is a pocket for storing the already released "Z Original Key" so that you can store keys of the same hero together. (In the case of the Tiga key set, there is space for multiple type keys.)
When you receive your item there will be empty space, which may surprise you for a moment and make you think, "There's a shortage!?", but please rest assured as this is an intentional space.

What did you think?
To be honest, considering the price of the Guts Hyper Key, it is considerably over-specced, but I can confidently say that it is a huge offer with unmatched play value.
We have made this product with an emphasis on making it enjoyable for people who already own most of the previous Z products, so we hope that not only Trigger fans, but also those who are still missing Z will pick it up.

Also, the game is several times more fun if you have the "DX Guts Spark Lens," so please check that out as well.

That's all for today.
This weekend, "ULTRA MONSTER SERIES Dada (Powered Dada)" will also be on sale, so don't miss it!!


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