Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: January 20, 2022

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Blog Vol. 45 [Specifications Explanation] New Generation Heroes Key Set program revealed!

Hello everyone.
My name is Nino and I am in charge of Ultraman toy planning and development.

Although it's a little late, Happy New Year!
As the new year begins, Trigger is reaching its raging climax, but the development of toys is also in full swing, with both announced and unannounced toys showing no signs of ending!!

Usually, toy development starts nearly a year before the show starts, and ends when the show ends, but thanks to you all, Trigger has been so well received that we've been able to release a variety of new products since the show started, so we've been developing Trigger products day and night for over a year now (laughs).

As a by-product of these slight irregularities, at Trigger we are able to incorporate feedback we receive from customers and ideas about what could have been done better in previously released products into subsequent items.
In particular, the "New Generation Heroes Key Set" and "Glorious Ultra Brothers Key Set" from the "Guts Hyper Key Premium" series were developed after we completed over 20 voice-enabled Guts Hyper Keys, so we were able to make full use of our extensive know-how and create the best possible content!!

So, in this article, following on from last time, we will be introducing the "Guts Hyper Key Premium New Generation Heroes Key Set."
(We will also be introducing the Ultra Brothers Key Set soon, so please stay tuned!)

Now, regarding this New Gen Set, at the time of the previous article, development of the audio program had only just begun, and there were some things that we were unable to mention as it was not yet certain whether they would be able to be implemented.

However, the program was just completed the other day, and all of the audio we wanted to include was successfully included, so we are finally able to share the detailed information with you!
I will introduce this in several topics, so please stay with me until the end.

The amount of unique sound effects included is on par with ULTRA REPLICA!
As previously reported, each key contains a wide variety of character-specific sounds such as "transformation sounds," "character voices," "cries," "special move sounds," "color timer sounds," and "flight sounds." In particular, we were able to record more than 10 "cries" and "special move sounds" per character! (Five types of cries + five types of special move sounds, for a total of more than 10 types.)

Some of the special move sounds were introduced on the order page, but the specific details are listed in the table below!

What do you think of this quantity?
Special techniques carefully selected from each work will be recorded from the audio data used in the film.

In addition, each hero's "chants" are inserted between the sounds of each move, and we put a lot of care into creating them.
For example, the call that plays just before Rosso and Brookie's "Flame Aqua Hybrid Shoot" is a combination of the voices of Rosso and Brookie.
(In addition, I made the sounds for Rossoki and Brookie to be different.)

In addition, for Victory Key's "Shepherd Saber Flash," Sho's line "This will decide it!" plays before the sound of the technique, and Shepherd's roar has been added, recreating a sense of realism closer to that in the movie.

Additionally, one thing worth mentioning is the reproduction of the "final move" included in the Ginga Key, X Key, and Geed Key.
It's a bit of a tradition to show off a special new technique in the final battle with the final boss (we have high expectations for Trigger too!), and we've included the sound sources of some of the most memorable moves from his many works, "Ginga Specialy," "Ultimate Xanadium," and "G-Proof," for each key!

For example, in "Geed Proof," Riku says "Here we go!" and then the five Geed clones unleash their special moves one after the other!
(Of course, it also includes lines like "Strike Boost!" and "Royal End!")

As for "Ultimate Xanadium," the scene where he competes with Greeza is played out for a very long time, and the total length of one sound is an astonishing 43 seconds!! (The thumbnail image for the blog was hanging here...lol)
You can enjoy the same time it takes for cold rice to become piping hot in the microwave, all with just one button press!!
All of the audio is so passionate that fans who have watched each work repeatedly will be able to vividly picture the scenes, so please look forward to it!

As for Orb's "Orb Supreme Calibur Originium Galaxy," which has a similar final scene, the sound is composed of the "Orb Supreme Calibur" and the "Originium Ray" being fired in succession, so we made it possible to play in a similar way by consecutively playing the sounds and pressing the button twice in a row.

The Orb Key is an exception, as it includes the sounds of six special moves, including the Originium Ray, in addition to the five Orb Calibur moves, so there was no room left to include the sound of the Originium Galaxis activation scene itself in a separate frame. If you're still a passionate Orb fan who wants to hear it, please wait for the delivery of the ULTRA REPLICA Orb Ring!

Each and every technique sound was developed with the same enthusiasm as an "ULTRA REPLICA" while repeatedly watching the scenes in the series in which they were used, so I'm sure that all fans of the series will be satisfied!

Character voices aren't just heard when transforming!
In the previous article, we introduced how each character's lines are heard during the transformation sequence, but we have now achieved a feature where each character's voice is layered over the special move sounds as well!
"Shouting the name of the technique" can be said to be one of the distinctive features of the New Generation Heroes, so we paid special attention to this aspect and used audio of the dialogue extracted from scenes in the film with the cooperation of Tsuburaya Productions.
As for the "X key" that everyone was wondering about, we were able to achieve the "same as on TV" version, where the voices of both Daichi and X overlap.

In addition, when used in conjunction with the Guts Spark Lens, the sounds of each technique and call outs can be played over the background music and color timer sounds.
The sounds of the techniques were layered along with the "beep... beep..." sound, and then the theme song started playing just before the final big move, resulting in a come-from-behind victory!
In this way, you can recreate battle scenes from the movie with just the push of a button.

Please refer to the following video posted on Twitter the other day for more information on this.

When playing with this key set, it's definitely more fun if you have a Guts Spark Lens!
Of course, you can play with it in the same way with the DX Black Spark Lens Trigger Dark Ver., so if you haven't gotten it yet, be sure to get it now.

Also pay attention to the standby sound and mode switching sound!
The transformation standby sounds for each key and the sound effects when switching to BGM reservation transformation mode are composed using sounds related to the transformation items in each work.

For example, for Taiga, Titas and Fumakee, we used the sound effects that come from scanning a keychain/let/ring, while for Rosso and Brookie, we used the sound effects from the moment flames (or water) erupt and Rosso/Brooky appears during the transformation sequence.

The sounds other than the skill sounds and character voices are designed to evoke memories of each work, so please enjoy every detail!

By the way, as an aside, when this product was released I saw a lot of people asking "Doesn't it fit Green Jokey?" so I'd like to add a bit of explanation.
The reason why Grigio (and Astra in the Ultra Brothers Key Set) are not included in the released sets is because there are far fewer "voice variations" as explained above compared to other heroes.

In the existing works, this character does not have a transformation scene (in the sense of Gungun Cut), and since there are not enough sounds to be recorded for the "Guts Hyper Key Premium" which sells the sound, we decided not to include it this time. (You can't just make up a transformation melody for a toy...)

However, of course, I also think of Grillo as one of the New Generation Heroes, so as a token of my appreciation, I included Grillo in the design of the package, as shown on the order page.
I would appreciate it if you could understand that this is not a decision made randomly, but rather a decision made out of love for the characters!

So, we have introduced the products taking into consideration the comments we received from you all.

I personally looked back and studied each New Generation Heroes title once again as I created this item, which I feel very attached to, and I believe it will be something that fans of the series will especially enjoy!
Pre-orders for this product will close next week on Monday, January 24th, so if you haven't purchased it yet, please make sure to do so!

We also have a video introducing the products on "Banmani!" so be sure to check that out too.

That's all for today...
In the next update we will introduce the "Glorious Ultra Brothers Key Set"!

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