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BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: March 23, 2022

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman trigger

Ultraman Toy Blog vol.48 Trigger Key Set & Dark Giants Three Key Set, pre-order deadline today!

Hello. I'm Nono, in charge of Ultraman toy planning and development.
Today we will be covering the "DX Guts Hyper Key Premium Ultraman Trigger Key Set" and the "DX Guts Hyper Key Premium Three Titans of Darkness Key Set," whose pre-order deadline is 11pm today!
Here we summarize the final specifications of each key that were not covered in the previous article.

Let's get started right away!

Ultraman Trigger Key Set

● Entire product
- The total number of character voices has been increased from the approximately 50 listed on the order page to over 70! We've focused on allowing you to enjoy even more famous scenes.
・In this product, we have upgraded the grade of the IC used, and have succeeded in improving the sound quality of the main sounds, including the transformation sounds. You can enjoy NARIKIRI playing with sounds that are 1.5 times (theoretical value) clearer than the DX version.
-The packaging will be in the popular window design.

●Trigger True Key
・Includes all the sound effects of the techniques shown in the final episode: "Chop Attack," "Kick Attack," "True Zeperion Ray," and "True Timer Flash"!
・In dialogue mode, we have included a wide variety of sounds from the series so that you can relive the transformation scene from the final episode! Not only the dialogue between Kengo and Ignis, but also the sound of the Black Spark Lens gunfire from "I'll give it back, Trigger" is included.
・As a special feature exclusive to Trusky, after transforming with the "DX Guts Spark Lens", if you remove the key and briefly press the button for the first time, the "key disappearance sound (the sound of returning to the multi-type key and returning power to Trigger Dark Key)" will play.

●Multi-type keys
- Special move sound effects include the Zeperion Ray and Circle Arms-related moves, as well as the Specium Ray-type move shown in episode 5!
- In BGM reservation mode, the BGM is programmed to play over the lingering sounds of the transformation, improving synchronization with the in-game production.

●Power type key
- The special move sound maniac section includes the sound of the continuous punch rush that cornered Zaragus!
- The firing and gunfire sounds of the Delacium Light Flow have been renewed to match the production in the second half of the program.

●Sky Type Key
・The special move sound maniac section includes the Trigger Slicer sound! The Lambart Arrow Strike also includes a rapid-fire version sound source.
・Like the power type, the sound of Lambalt's light bullets has been renewed to match the scenes in battles with Kyrieroid.

Glitter Trigger Eternity Key
・Special attack sounds include the Glitter Zeperion ray and Glitter Blade sounds, as well as the attack ray type technique shown in the fight against Diavolo in episode 15! The "Multi-Photon" sound is also the clone attack version from episode 12.
・The "special attack sound" when Ignis uses the Glitter Key in episode 22 was already recorded in the DX version, but in this product, the sound has been lengthened to match the scene in the movie! The Hyudram Key included in the "Three Giants of Darkness Key Set" also includes Ignis' lines from that scene, so you can perfectly recreate the famous scene by combining the two!

Dark 3 Giants Key Set


● Entire product
・As previously announced on Twitter, the packaging for this product will feature a new illustration by Muto Seima, the designer of the Three Titans of Darkness!
Of course, the packaging will be a window type, and Muto has also included illustrations of parts other than the three giants, so please look forward to the product arriving!

・We were able to successfully record the cries of all monsters and aliens in the "Monster Summoning Mode"!
One point we paid special attention to is that it also includes the cries of Segmegel and the Nurse, who only appear for a moment in the film!
・What's more...! The character voices for the 3 Dark Giants Keys have been increased from the approximately 40 listed on the order page to over 80!
This just goes to show how strong the characters of the Three Dark Giants and Kengo and his friends are, so we hope you'll get your hands on it and have fun with it...!!

● Karmilaki
・The Karmilaki comes with a wide variety of whip and baton attack sounds! In addition, when you switch between the "Megalozoa 1st Form" and "2nd Form" modes by playing with the "DX Guts Spark Lens", attack sounds corresponding to each mode are activated.
- The character voices, carefully selected from all 25 episodes, contain plenty of love and hate for Kengo and Trigger.
There are an unusually large number of lines in which people shout things like "Trigger!" or "Kengo!", but this was never intended as a joke; it was simply a compilation of memorable scenes from the movie...!!

●Dargon Key
-Dargon is a character who has a lot of dialogue with humans, so we recorded over 30 different character voices for this key alone.
- In addition to the dialogue, the series also incorporates memorable sound effects, such as Yuna's slapping sound in episode 5, which frequently appears in flashback scenes!
・Of course, it also includes basic sounds such as various shouts, punch attacks, and fire beat crusher sounds.

●Hydrum Key
- Hydramul includes memorable sound effects such as the sound of daggers being deployed, slashing sounds, and the sound of Hydrasto being activated, which were all featured in the movie.
- The dialogue is packed with Hyudrum's characteristic sarcastic expressions, and also includes audio that lets you enjoy the contrast between his normal and angry modes.

This has been a quick look back at the past, but what do you think?
Please take a look at this article together with the previous one, and we hope you'll rush to make your reservations in time for today's deadline!

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