Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: May 23, 2019

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman Cosmos

Ultraman Toy Blog vol.16 Cosmo Plaque pre-orders begin!

Hello everyone, this is SS, in charge of Ultraman toy development.
Regarding the "ULTRA REPLICA Cosmo Plaque," for which pre-orders have begun today, we would like to share with you some details about the product specifications that we were unable to include on the pre-order page.

The size and details of the toy and the prop at the time were similar but not the same, so I used the prop as a reference and created new shapes, adjusted the size, and redesigned the exterior. I used screw hiders so the screws are not visible.
Buttons have been added to the back, allowing you to play background music with the left button and dialogue and sound effects with the right button, allowing for audio play that was not available on toys at the time.
The angle at which the clear black part opens has also been changed from the original toy to match the prop.
In terms of color, the toy at the time had some gold-plated parts, but most of the color has been reproduced with paint, except for the clear black parts which were based on the prop.
As for the ball part at the tip, the toy at the time had a small light bulb in the center of the ball and was visible from the outside, but ULTRA REPLICA has a light-like design in the center of the ball, just like the prop.

<About transformation play>
It includes transformation sounds that allow you to play around with transforming Cosmos into six different modes.

① Luna mode transformation sound
② Sound of changing to Corona mode
3) Eclipse mode change sound
④ Miracle Luna mode transformation sound
⑤ The sound effect of Cosmos and Musashi becoming one in Space Corona mode
⑥ Future mode change sound

And although it's not Cosmos mode, it also includes the transformation sound of Ultraman Legend, born from the combination of Cosmos and Ultraman Justice.

To play, press the "center button" to unfold the Cosmo Plakk, extend the tip, and hear the Luna mode transformation sound. After transforming into Luna mode, press the "right button" to hear the Corona mode, Eclipse mode, and Miracula mode transformation sounds in that order.
After playing the Miracle Luna Mode transformation sound, you can press and hold the Right Button to play the transformation sounds of Space Corona Mode (the sound of Musashi becoming one with Cosmos in Space Corona Mode), Future Mode, and Ultraman Legend in sequence.
To use the right button, if you press it when the tip of the Cosmo Plak is extended, the transformation sound will play, and if you press it when the tip is not extended, dialogue and sound effects will play.

We will post the image diagram that was used during the development stage.

I will explain about the mode where the transformation sound and background music play in sync.
When you select this mode and play the transformation game, for example, while the Luna Mode transformation sound is playing, the background music "Ultraman Cosmos 'Main Title'" will start playing just like on TV. The transformation sounds and corresponding background music are as follows:

Luna Mode transformation sound: Ultraman Mothmoth "Main Title"
LUNA MODE - The Blue Giant of Sadness -
*In Luna mode, two songs will play alternately.
Change sound to Corona mode: CORONA MODE - The strongest red giant -
Eclipse mode change sound: Eclipse is born
Miracle Luna Mode transformation sound: LUNA MODE - Blue Giant of Sorrow -

As a special behavior, if you play the transformation into Luna Mode after playing a specific Musashi line, the background music "CORONA MODE - The Strongest Red Giant" will play.
The Luna Mode transformation sound, which plays in sync with the background music of "Ultraman Cosmos 'Main Title'", includes a short version of the transformation sound that is frequently used along with the background music in the movie.
There are four different Luna Mode transformation sounds included, including one that activates under certain conditions.

① Normal transformation sound: This will play when you play the normal transformation game.
② Short version transformation sound: Plays in sync with the background music of "Ultraman Cosmos 'Main Title'."
3. The sound of the first transformation into Luna Mode using Cosmo Plak: This sound effect is recorded by pressing the "Right Button". This transformation sound is played consecutively when Cosmos lands on the ground and when he moves his arms.
④ Another short version of the transformation sound: This will play when you play the transformation game after playing the “sound of light appearing in Musashi's hands.”

<About the music>
Ultraman Cosmos "Main Title"
② Opening Theme "Spirit" TV Size
3. LUNA MODE - The Compassionate Blue Giant -
④ CORONA MODE - The Strongest Red Giant -
⑤ The Birth of Eclipse

The BGM can be played in the order of these numbers.
You can hear "Spirit" immediately after the "main title" plays, like the beginning of a TV show.

<About the recorded lines>
This is the first ULTRA REPLICA to feature lines recorded by the cast exclusively for this product!
We have newly recorded voice acting for Sugiura Taiyo, who will be playing Haruno Musashi, and Sato Yuki, the voice of Ultraman Cosmos!
The main recordings are Musashi's lines before he transforms, his passionate lines, and the dialogue between Musashi and Cosmos. (The pre-order page states that there are over 50 types of Musashi and over 20 types of Cosmos.)
Sugiura-san cooperated with us by recording audio for the toy, shooting a promotional video, and providing an interview for Mantan Web.
At the end of March, Sugiura posted on his blog that he had worked on Ultraman Cosmos for BANDAI, but in fact he accepted the job!
This is a work that Sugiura-san says he has a lot of attachment to, and there were times when he was reminiscing about that time while recording his lines, with tears in his eyes.
I, SS, have had the opportunity to attend many audio recordings in the past, but this was the first time I've seen one that was so heartfelt and powerful.
I would love for everyone to listen to the lines from Cosmo Plack, which are filled with Sugiura-san's feelings!

To play lines, press the lines/sound effect button. (Sound effects will also play in sequence during the game.)
It is not just something that can play lines, but it has been developed with the idea that you can play it by pressing the center button on the Cosmo Plaque after playing the transformation catchphrase, "Cosmos!", to transform into Luna Mode.
There are many scenes where Musashi and Cosmos play around with transformations after their conversation. I think it will be an intoxicating experience in the world of Cosmos, so please look forward to it.
Also, for those who transform using the power of gemstones without using Cosmoplax, you can press the "Right Button" to play the transformation sound following the dialogue.

<About the recorded sound effects>
① The sound of pyroxene shining
②The sound of turning the gemstone
③The sound of the gemstone glowing and transforming into Luna mode
④The sound of pyroxene changing into cosmoplaque
⑤The sound of Cosmoplax turning back into pyroxene
⑥The sound of light appearing on Musashi's hands
7. The sound of failing to transform into Corona mode
⑧The sound of sunlight
9. The sound of the glowing gemstones
10. The sound of two great powers meeting

We would like to introduce some sound effects (transformation sounds) that are not listed on the reservation page.

11. Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet - "The sound of Musashi transforming into Eclipse Mode using a gemstone"
12. Ultraman Cosmos vs. Ultraman Justice THE FINAL BATTLE: "The sound of Musashi transforming into Luna Mode before transforming into Future Mode."

Sound effects and lines are activated by pressing the same button, and by pressing the button in succession, related sound effects and lines will play in succession.
Cosmo Plaque does not have the in-movie transformation modes that were featured in Evoltluster, Mebius Breath, and Ginga Spark, but by switching to the "transformation sound and background music play in tandem" mode and transforming after playing the dialogue and sound effects, we believe you will be able to experience a level of play that goes beyond the previous in-movie transformation modes!

Reservations ULTRA REPLICA Cosmo Plaque will be accepted until 11pm on Thursday, June 20th!
Please make your reservation within the reservation period!

Finally, I, SS, will be leaving my position in charge of Ultraman toy development after this Cosmo Plaque.
Future blog updates will be handed over to Ultraman toy development team.
We hope you will continue to support ULTRA REPLICA and Ultraman toys!


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