Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: July 20, 2018

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman Tiga

Ultraman Toy Blog vol.2 "GUTS Hyper" Product Description

hello everyone.
I'm SS, in charge of Ultraman toy development.

Following on from the introduction of ULTRA REPLICA EVOLTRUSTER & Blast SHOT, which began pre-orders today, we would like to explain the details of the GUTS HYPER, which is available for pre-order until August 20th, that we were unable to cover on the pre-order page. SS has also been in charge of this product since April.

We would like to give you more details regarding the "8 new gunfire sounds added" mentioned on the pre-order page, which states "New features not available in the toy at the time have been added!"

Before that, we would like to explain the specifications regarding the gunfire sounds of the cartridges, as stated on the order page: "*No matter which cartridge is inserted, the sound effect selected by pressing the buttons will be played."

GUTS Hyper does not have a function to recognize individual cartridges. Before inserting a cartridge into GUTS Hyper, press the gunshot sound selection button to select which gunshot sound you want to play, then insert the cartridge and pull the trigger to play the gunshot sound you selected in advance.

Many people would think that for a toy like this, GUTS Hyper should have the ability to individually recognize cartridges.
In fact, at the beginning of the project, we were considering equipping GUTS Hyper with an individual cartridge recognition function, and this was also an area we considered until the very end. There were some problems with equipping it with individual recognition. In "Episode 6: Second Contact," "Episode 28: A Fleeting..." and "Episode 42: The Town Where the Girl Disappeared," there are scenes where cartridges are loaded and ejected. In these scenes, you can see the cartridges being inserted and removed, but all of them looked like the same cartridges (silver in the middle and black on the top and bottom). The problem was that although they looked like the same cartridges, all of GUTS Hyper's gunfire was different.
In "Episode 6: Second Contact," there is the first scene where a cartridge is ejected, and the gunfire from the GUTS Hyper before the ejection is a pale blue shot. In "Episode 28: The Fleeting...," there is a close-up of the hand as the signal flare is loaded. In "Episode 42: The Town Where the Girl Disappeared," there is a scene where a cartridge is loaded, but the gunfire is a pink laser beam. In these three scenes, the same-looking cartridge appears to have different shooting effects.

Apart from the setting, there is another problem: to implement individual recognition, it is necessary to equip the cartridge with a detection protrusion for GUTS Hyper to identify which cartridge it is. Cartridges are not designed with the assumption that protrusions will be attached, so adding a new detection protrusion would greatly damage the appearance of the cartridge. If a detection protrusion is attached, the cartridge will be round when viewed from above if there is no protrusion, but if a protrusion is attached, a flat surface is also required, so in an extreme case, the cartridge will look like a kamaboko when viewed from above. Therefore, we decided to make it this way because it would increase the reproduction of the movie by not equipping the toy with an individual cartridge recognition function.

I've written a lot about this, but by allowing you to select the gunfire sound in advance, you can make different gunfire sounds using a cartridge that is silver in the center and black on the top and bottom, just like in the movie. This also has the advantage of improving the appearance of the cartridge. Here is an explanation of "※No matter which cartridge is set, the sound effect selected by pressing the button will be played."

From here, I will tell you about the 8 types of gunfire sounds.

① "Tear gas sound"
In "Episode 3: The Devil's Prophecy," where GUTS Hyper first appeared, Daigo fires a tear gas grenade at the Kirielians. In the video, the sound of gas being sprayed overlaps with the sound effect of the Kirielians dodging the grenade, but the "whooping" sound of the Kirielians dodging the grenade has been removed.

② "Monster Catcher"
This is the sound of a gun being fired at Evolyu using the "Monster Catcher Cartridge" developed by Officer Holly, who appeared in "Episode 11: Requiem for Darkness." It includes the sound of the gun being fired and the explosion sound when it hits the target.

3. Barrier sound
The "Barrier Cartridge" that appeared in "Episode 13: Human Collection" creates a round barrier when the Barrier Cartridge is loaded and fired in the video. The sound of the barrier being generated is recorded. If you play with the "Gunfire Sound (Episode 13: Human Collection VS Leibeek Alien ver.)" playing after the barrier sound, you can recreate the cool battle scene of the GUTS members just like in "Episode 13: Human Collection".

4. Signal flare sound
This is the sound of a signal flare that appeared in "Episode 28: The Fleeting...". Just like in the movie, the sound is recorded to reach into the sky.

⑤ Laser Beam Sound (Episode 7: The Man Who Came Down to Earth vs. the Regulan Alien ver.)
This is the gunfire sound of the pink laser beam that is often fired in "Episode 7: The Man Who Descended to Earth". The GUTS Hyper, which was frequently used in the work, is a gunfire sound that can be considered a laser beam. There is a scene in "Episode 7: The Man Who Descended to Earth" where a white laser beam is fired, but the gunfire sound is the same as the pink laser beam, so we have unified it to "Laser beam sound (Episode 7: The Man Who Descended to Earth VS. Regulan Alien ver.)".
Although it is not mentioned on the reservation page, there is a scene in "Episode 47: Goodbye to Darkness" where a door is cut through with a pink laser beam, and you can play that sound by pressing and holding the trigger.

⑥ Laser beam sound (Episode 24: Go! Monster Explorers vs. Ritomarus ver.)
This is a whitish ray gun that was fired at Littmarus when Tiga was in a pinch in "Episode 24: Go! Monster Explorers". It includes the sound of the gunfire and the explosion when it hits its target.

⑦ "Gunshot Sound (Episode 6 Second Contact VS Gazort ver.)"
In Episode 6, Second Contact, this is the sound of a gun being fired at a Gazort and the explosion sound when it hits the target. This is the first time a cartridge has been depicted being ejected in a movie, so if you play with the cartridge being ejected after this gunshot, you can enjoy the same flow as in the movie.

8. Gunfire (Episode 13: Human Collection vs. Leibeek Alien ver.)
This is a recording of the Barrier Cartridge being fired at the Leibeek aliens in "Episode 13: Human Collection," in which it appears. It includes the sound of the gunfire and the explosion sound when it hits its target.

Lastly, the game is designed to allow you to experience the entire sequence of GUTS Hyper, from the sound of removing the GUTS Hyper, the light of the laser pointer, the sound of loading a cartridge, various gunfire sounds, the sound of running out of bullets, and the sound of ejecting a cartridge, so we hope you enjoy it.

GUTS Hyper will also be held from today, and we will be exhibiting a prototype at the Ultraman Festival 2018 at Ikebukuro Sunshine City, so if you have the opportunity, we hope you will take a look.

The continuation of "Evoltluster & Blast Shot" will be updated as Vol. 3 on Tuesday, July 31st.

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