Ultraman TOY WEB

BANDAI official Ultraman toy information site

Updated: July 31, 2018

Ultraman Toy Blog

Ultraman nexus

Ultraman Toy Blog vol.3 "Evoltluster & Blast Shot" Product Description (2)

Hello everyone, this is SS, in charge of Ultraman toy development.

Today, we will continue to explain the details of the product specifications of the latest ULTRA REPLICA, "Evoltblaster & Blast Shot."

This time, we will be introducing the transformation mode featured in Episode 4, "Subspace - Metafield," as well as the sound effects it will include.

Episode 4 "Subspace - Metafield -" Transformation Mode
This is the scene in the play where Himeya Jun transforms into Junes for the first time.
In the toy's flow, you press the BGM button to play "Space Bees - Awakening -", then when you unsheathe the toy, you will hear the sound of it being unsheathed and swung up, and the sound of it transforming into Enfants will play.
In this scene, the sound of Anphans transforming is played with background music playing in the movie, so the toy will have the same sound with the background music playing. (The timing of when the handle is removed from the sheath is up to the toy user, so if you remove the handle from the sheath at the same time as the background music in the movie, you can match the timing of the background music and transformation sound to the movie.) When the transformation sound ends, the background music fades out, a light plays and the sound of Anphans appearing plays, and the background music "Nexus -Appearrance-" plays at the same time as in the movie.

After that, when you press the button on the right side of the back, the sound of Junes transforming will play, the background music "Nexus -Encounter-" will play, and the sound of the meta field expanding will play.

Recorded sound effects
Regarding the sound effects to be recorded, since we are currently adjusting the program specifications, we will only be reporting on the sound effects that we are currently able to share.
*This does not include all of the sound effects.
To activate the sound effect, press the button on the right side of the back while the Evoltluster is sheathed and the sound effect will play.

●“ A sound like a heartbeat
Evoltluster makes its first appearance in Episode 1, "Night Raid," and the "heartbeat-like sound" of Evoltluster is recorded during the scene where Himeya Jun says, "What do you want from me?"

●" The sound of using the Evoltblaster as a shield to defend yourself"
In Episode 17, "Darkness," we will be recording the sound of Himeya Jun using the Evoltlaster as a shield to defend against attacks by Mizorogi Shinya.

●“Heartbeat Sound Long Version”
In Episode 24 "Hero", Himeya Jun makes a decision as his memories fade, and the Evoltluster emits a heartbeat-like sound six times as Himeya Jun is enveloped in the light of the Evoltluster. There are many scenes in which the heartbeat-like sound is heard twice, such as in Episode 1, but in Episode 24, the heartbeat-like sound is heard six times, and since this is an important scene in which Himeya Jun and Anfance are revived, we recorded this sound.

Product Information
The next update is scheduled for Friday, August 10th.
I hope you will continue to watch.


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